
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2014



1999 Siemens Iso-C C-Arm

Dual 17" Monitors, Dual Mode 7"/9" Image Intensifier, 700 Digital Image Storage, 190 Degree Orbital Rotation, Digital Subtraction, Road-Mapping, 95 Degree OverScan, Surgical Software, Pulsed Fluoro, Boosted Fluoro, ABS-Automatic Brightness Stabilization, Zooming, Roaming, Image Inversion, Noise Reduction, Edge Enhancement, LIH Last Image Hold, Printer, Operator's Manual, Foot Switch, Hand Switch, 120V, 50/60Hz   Please contact us for special pricing!    

Using New Technology to Switch Electrodes to Test Water

What’s smart, interchangeable, and tests multiparameters? It’s the new Smart Meter Technology with digital “Intelligent Design” sensors in the YSI ®  MultiLab DO/BOD Benchtop Meter Kits . The “plug-and-play” feature enables you to switch electrodes to test for pH/ORP, conductivity, and optical DO/BOD as well as operate the unit as a conductivity meter. For water and wastewater applications and quality control for the food & beverage, pharmaceutical, and chemicals industries, the Smart Meter Technology offers several advantages. It complies with US EPA regulations by meeting approved methods for dissolved oxygen and BOD. With highly accurate measurements, it displays readings in large graphics on an easy-on-the-eyes backlit screen. Manual and automatic data logging has GLP traceability. The CMC function continually monitors the sensors, measuring range against calibration range. The sensors digitally store their serial nu...

Veterinary Applications of Energy Based Devices

In today's world of advanced technology, the use of energy based devices in the operating room appears to be coming more commonplace - as well it should be.  Time and again these technologically advanced devices make it possible for surgery to be completed more quickly and efficiently.  As Wikipedia explains it, devices such as lasers, ultrasonic or harmonic devices as well as cold plasma and electrosurgical units help to prevent blood loss during surgery through the process of electrocoagulation. And as pointed out in an earlier blog post, excessive bleeding can make it difficult, if not impossible, to find and remove tumors and masses (hence the birth of electrosurgery). This isn't only useful for surgery performed on humans, either. Veterinary offices have been making great use of the myriad energy based devices which are currently on the market.  In fact these devices, and the surgical techniques they make possible, can be far preferable to traditional methods, ...

quieres llegar cada mes a toda la comunidad?

MAGEN DAVID ADOM MEXICO representante oficial del servicio de emergencias médicas y banco de sangrer de Israel. MADAZINE, boletín oficial. Llega cada mes a través del boletín oficial de MADA MEXICO, con nuestro MADAZINE. Imprim os 5,000 ejemplares y por correo-e a más de 5,000 direcciones electrónicas para mantener a TODA la comunidad informada de las noticias, actividades, cursos y eventos de MADA en México y todo el mundo. Obviamente, tenemos espacios publicitarios disponibles para tu marca, producto o servicio y a la vez ayudarás a SALVAR VIDAS.  c ontrata hoy mismo! Este Email fue enviado por MAGEN DAVID ADOM MEXICO ¿Deseas recibir actualizaciones mensuales? Click aquí. ©2014   mdamexico.org  | Todos los Derechos Reservados

Four Benefits of Turbine Flowmeters

Considering a turbine flowmeter for your application? Turbine flowmeters operate in the oil and gas, and utilities industries and some designs even meet sanitary guidelines. They are used for water consumption, test stands, makeup water, inventory control metering applications, cooling water monitoring, and more in pilot plants and research and development facilities. Cole-Parmer High-Accuracy Turbine Meter Take into consideration the following pluses and minuses when deciding on a turbine flowmeter: Pluses: Provides a fast response time—typically a few milliseconds Offers high accuracy and good repeatability Selection includes wide flow range options for both liquids and gases Convenient use with associated digital readout devices including flow control options for both PC and PLC's Minuses: Requires upstream straightener and filter for best results In pulsating flows, may over-read Turbine flowmeters for liquids may need regu...

Jedmed Hours retinal cam

Jedmed Hours retinal cam Creando algo simplemente magnifico! El alcance Horus es una cámara portátil de mano fácil de usar que utiliza la tecnología no midriática para capturar imágenes de fondo de ojo. El diseño único del Ámbito Horus y tecnología avanzada le permiten capturar imágenes de los fundus mucho más fácil que los sistemas portátiles anteriores. Las imágenes capturadas son nítidas y ayudando claro en la detección precoz de enfermedades de los ojos. Este sistema incorpora la tecnología de alta definición (1080p) de la cámara y ofrece una salida de vídeo a un monitor. Las imágenes fijas y videos también se pueden capturar con sólo el toque de un botón y transferido y sin problemas a un ordenador portátil o PC para el almacenamiento y revisión. Baja inversión inicial y facilidad de uso hace que Horus Alcance la herramienta de detección ideal para aumentar las referencias a su práctica. El alcance Horus es también un sistema ideal para aplicaciones de ...

FreeStyle Lite Bood Glucose Monitoring System - Instructional Video (Par...


Tecnología israelí ya permite realizar biopsias del cerebro a pacientes vivos. VIDEO.


Prevent Contact with Glove Boxes

Captair 2200ANM Pyramid Glove Bag, PVC with Butyl Gloves Handling hazardous materials? Manipulating substances that need a controlled environment? Use glove boxes or glove bags to prevent contact. Biological materials such as cell cultures, viruses or DNA, or radioactive isotopes or toxic chemicals may be sensitive to ambient environment and require isolated conditions. Some small-scale processes also demand sterile or controlled conditions such as tissue culture manipulation, coating of materials, or the purification of chemicals. Glove boxes can also control environmental parameters such as temperature, oxygen, moisture, and more. Types of Glove Boxes and Glove Bags Inflatable Glove Bags  protect moisture- or oxygen-sensitive materials during brief manipulation operations, such as weighing. They offer you minimal protection from materials which permeate polyethylene or are emitted through the access opening. To improve safety, use these in a fume hood. Basic...

Your Toilet is NOT the Germiest Part of Your House!


4 Veterinary Electrosurgical Safety Considerations

The Bovie Medical Corporation is a leader in electrosurgical equipmentincluding many veterinary applications.  Because of the healing advantages for animals and the long term cost benefits for the practitioner, the use of tools for veterinary electrosurgery is on the rise. When making the move to electrosurgery, it's important to learn how to use the devices properly to get the results you desire.  And, it’s important to be safety minded when taking advantage of these advancing technologies.   Whether you’re considering a purchase, or have already implemented these tools in your practice, you should give careful consideration to safety.  Here are four items to think about. 1. Fires The combination of an electrical spark and flammable gases means an explosion or fire can happen if you’re not vigilant about your safety measures.  With an increase in the attention to appropriate safety measures, fire hazards ha...

Three Dispensing Applications for Masterflex Peristaltic Pumps

Though Masterflex ®  peristaltic pumps are versatile enough to be used for many applications—from wastewater to industrial to manufacturing—here are some of the top dispensing applications: 1)     Research & Development (R&D) and Quality Control With accuracy and repeatability in low-volume dispensing applications, Masterflex tubing pumps are an effective option for laboratory research and development. Common uses include transferring fluids into smaller containers, preparing test samples, dispensing media, and performing serial dilutions.  2)     Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology The non-contaminating, sterilization options for tubing make peristaltic pumps popular in pharmaceutical and biotech. From pill coating to dilutions to dispensing microbiological media, to filling and packaging, Masterflex pumps deliver the solution. 3)     Food and Beverage Wi...

2003 GE 9800 GSP C-Arm

Dual 17" Monitors, 9" Image Intensifier, 16 Image Storage, LIH Last Image Hold, GSP General Surgical Package, Zoom, Sharpen Function, Averaging, Negate, One Shot, Digital Spot, Pulsed Fluoro, Fluoro Boost, Foot Switch, 120V, 50/60H   Please contact us for pricing!  

2002 GE LightSpeed 8 Slice CT Scanner

Single Console, (2012 X-Ray Tube) 56 Million mAs, 879,456 Gantry Rotations on the Gantry,  0.5 Second Scan Speed,  53kW Generator, Smartprep, Smartscore, 3D, MIP, MIN, MPR, MPVR,   Please contact us for pricing!   esgdivisionmedica.4t.com

What is the Alvio breathing trainer?


1999 Siemens Iso-C Vascular C-Arm

Dual 17" Monitors, Dual Mode 7"/9" Image Intensifier, 700 Digital Image Storage, 190 Degree Orbital Rotation, Digital Subtraction, Road-Mapping, 95 Degree OverScan, Surgical Software, Pulsed Fluoro, Boosted Fluoro, ABS-Automatic Brightness Stabilization, Zooming, Roaming, Image Inversion, Noise Reduction, Edge Enhancement, LIH Last Image Hold, Printer, Operator's Manual, Foot Switch, Hand Switch, 120V, 50/60Hz    


MANDA TU ANUNCIO HOY MISMO Y LLEVATE UN DESCUENTO ESPECIAL* ESTA ES TU OPORTUNIDAD PARA LLEVAR TU MARCA A TODA LA COMUNIDAD. Anúnciate en le calendario hebreo 5775 de MAGEN DAVID ADOM, y llega a más de 30,000 personas en un año. Tenemos espacios y paquetes diferentes de acuerdo a tu presupuesto y negocio. Además de que ayudarás a SALVAR VIDAS en Israel y en cualquier parte del mundo a través de MDA, el servicio de emergencias médicas y banco de sangre de Israel. Quedan pocos días para anunciarte en el calendario que salva vidas, manda hoy mismo tu anuncio o llámanos para apartar tu lugar. MADAZINE, BOLETIN OFICIAL DE MAGEN DAVID ADOM EN MEXICO. Llega cada mes a más de 15,000 personas con el boletín oficial de MDA MX, Se reparte en todas las comunidades, escuelas, instituciones, hospitales, consultorios médicos, centros comerciales, restaurantes, etc. Tenemos el espacio ideal para tu negocio y salvarás vidas. POR QUE ANUNCIARSE EN MAGEN DAVID AD...

Ten Good Lab Practices When Testing for Dissolved Oxygen

When you measure how much oxygen is in dissolved water to test for water quality, you’ll want to follow some basic suggestions to maximize your efforts. The following tips will help you use your instruments properly and assess your readings correctly. For more information on testing dissolved oxygen, contact our Application Specialists. To limit evaporation of the electrolyte solution, store your DO probe in a moist atmosphere After each test, rinse probe membrane with distilled water When you calibrate the probe and meter, make sure it is at temperatures closest to the sample temperature Always ensure that the probe is submersed deep enough to cover the membrane and automatic temperature compensation element For at least 15 cm/min, stir your sample to avoid oxygen starvation at the membrane Calibrate your meter with a zero oxygen solution Keep in mind that oxygen measurements are pressure- and altitude-dependent Know your sample's...

MDA México te envió una invitación

                    ¡ MDA México te ha invitado a que te unas a Twitter!     Aceptar invitación         ¿Sabías que MDA México también está en Twitter?   You can stop getting these emails with people you may know (PYMK) suggestions at anytime. Learn more about PYMK suggestions or find other answers at Twitter's Help Center. Twitter, Inc. 1355 Market St., Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94103  

2002 GE 9800 Plus C-Arm

Dual 17" Monitors, 9" Image Intensifier, 16 Image Storage, LIH Last Image Hold, ESP Expanded Surgical Package, Zoom, Sharpen Function, Averaging, Negate, One Shot, Digital Spot, Pulsed Fluoro, Fluoro Boost, Foot Switch, 120V, 50/60H   Please contact us for pricing!    

Use This Handwash Style!


Take Three: Timely New Technologies from Thermo Scientific

Packed with efficiencies, the three innovations below all enhance your lab by delivering reliable functionality while also saving you precious space. Thermo Scientific ™  Low Temperature Incubator  meets American Public Health Association (APHA) specifications for biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). These incubators cover a temperature range ideal for BOD testing and other low temperature applications. Excellent uniformity allows for effective space utilization, assuring all areas are maintained at proper temperatures. Thermo Scientific ™  RT2 Basic Stirring Hot Plate  is an economicalanalog unitideal for routine applications. The hot plate is designed to save bench top space. Offers overheat prevention circuit which turns off the heater if the temperature reaches 842°F (450°C), preventing accidental damage to the unit.  Thermo Scientific ™  RT2 Basic Digital Hot Plate Thermo Scientific ™  Compact Digital Rocking Shaker . Ensure gentle sample agitation with this compac...

How Genteel Draws Blood Without Pain


Naviscan High Resolution PET Mammography System

  Please contact us for additional details and pricing.  

MEDICAL EQUIPMENT REPORT - Weekend Updade - Inventory July 11, 2014

  ATL HDI 3000 OB/GYN Ultrasound     ATL HDI 5000 Shared Ultrasound System   Fluoroscan 50200 Mini C-Arm   GE AMX 3 Portable X-Ray 1984   GE LightSpeed 4 QX/i CT Scanner 2001 Waiting for pictures.     GE Signa HDxt Short Bore MRI , 2007 (Upgrade) Waiting for pictures   Konica Regius 190 CR Reader   Medrad Stellant D Dual Syringe CT Injection System OEC 9000 ESP C-Arm Waiting for pictures   OEC 9400 ESP C-Arm   OEC 9600 ESP C-Arm 1998 C-Arm   OEC 9800 ESP C-Arm 2004 C-Arm     Philips BV 300 1997 C-Arm REFURBISHED!   Philips Bi-Plane Integris 5000 Cardiac Special Procedure Lab   Siemens Arcadis Varic C-Arm   Siemens Iso-C C-Arm 1999   Smith & Nephew 5 x Movement Table