
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2016

Roche Unveils Accu-Chek Guide Blood Glucose Monitoring System

Roche is releasing its brand new Accu-Chek Guide blood glucose system which includes a lancet, glucometer, test strips, and a smartphone app to manage all the readings. A couple of the innovations of the Accu-Check Guide include a cartridge that lets patients pull out one test strip at a time without spilling the rest and accuracy the firm says outperforms many other glucometers on the market. The Accu-Chek Connect app communicates with the glucometer via low-energy Bluetooth and stores all the readings on the cloud for easy sharing with family, caretakers, and one’s doctor. Additionally, the system performs pattern recognition to identify the causes of the crests and troughs on the blood glucose chart. From the announcement: The Accu-Chek Guide system not only fulfills current accuracy standards but delivers even tighter 10/10 accuracy for more reliable results. Consistently accurate measurements are essential for reliable BG monitoring and deriving the correct therapy dec...

Nueva arma de alta tecnología se unirá a lucha contra el cáncer cervical

En los años 40, la prueba de George Papanicolaou se convirtió en el estándar para detectar el cáncer cervical, o de cuello uterino, que era entonces la principal causa de muerte entre mujeres (hoy es el cuarto cáncer más común en el mundo.) A pesar de sus inconvenientes, la prueba sigue siendo el método más usado en la actualidad. Por ejemplo, la muestra obtenida debe ser enviada a un laboratorio para su análisis (que requiere varios días), el porcentaje de resultados erróneos es alto, y sólo puede aplicarse en la superficie más externa del cuello uterino, a pesar de que el cáncer comienza en las capas internas. Además, no es fácil de obtener en algunos países en vías de desarrollo, como India o China, o partes de África, donde el cáncer cervical sigue siendo la primera causa de mortalidad femenina. La compañía Biop Medical está diseñando y probando una alternativa mejor: un revolucionario colposcopio (el instrumento que se usa para exámenes ginecológicos en mujeres). La colpos...

Una empresa de EE.UU. crea un 'vino' para gatos, y arrasan en ventas

Suena a locura, pero ahora compartir una copa de vino tinto con tu felino es posible gracias a un enólogo estadounidense. Lo que comenzó como una broma entre amigos se ha convertido en un negocio muy serio, rentable y exitoso para Brandon Zavala, un amante de los gato y el fundador de la bodega Apollo Peaks. Aunque en realidad no se trata de vinos, no tienen alcohol, todo lo demás es absolutamente cierto. El vino se realiza mediante tres ingredientes: nepeta canaria, una planta que adoran los felinos, agua y remolachas, que son todos de origen local de los agricultores en Colorado. Bautizados con los ingeniosos nombres de MosCATo yPinot Meow, desde Colorado llegan estas dos bebidas dispuestas a animar la vida de los gatos. La bodega estadounidens Apollo Peak las creó. Éxito de ventas Desde la bodega no salen de su asombro, lo que comenzó como una broma se ha convertido en un éxito total de ventas. El innovador producto ha pasado de comercializarse inicialmente sólo ...


LAS LÁMPARAS SE ENCUENTRAN MONTADAS EN UNO O VARIOS BRAZOS PORTA LÁMPARAS QUE PERMITEN UNA ROTACIÓN ILIMITADA Y MOVIMIENTO VERTICAL. LOS FACTORES QUE SE DEBEN DE TOMAR EN CONSIDERACIÓN EN UNA LÁMPARA DE QUIRÓFANO SON: ILUMINACIÓN La iluminación de un quirófano siempre debe de ser diseñada tomando en consideración tanto la generada por las lámparas quirúrgicas y las propias del quirófano o lámparas complementarias. La iluminancia de las lámparas complementarias deben de ser de 1000 lux en todo el quirófano y el color debe de ser lo más parecida a la de las lámparas quirúrgicas. ILUMINANCIA La iluminancia de 100,000 Lux equivale a la emitida por el sol a mediodía. Debido a que en la zona de operaciones una gran parte de la luz no se ve reflejada, sino absorbida, las lámparas de quirófanos han de suministrar una cantidad de luz especialmente elevada. Las lámparas de quirófano deben de generar una iluminancia sobre el campo quirúrgico entre 20,000 y 100,000 lux. COLOR...

PSL Classic & One Hand Held Slitlamp Demonstration


Día Mundial de la Asistencia Humanitaria


UPnRIDE for Quadriplegics Amit Goffer Technion Alumnus Innovation


Introducing Nonin 3230 Bluetooth® Smart Pulse Oximete

After designing the first Bluetooth pulse oximeter with the 9560, Minneapolis-based Nonin Medical delivers the Nonin Model 3230. This new release is a finger pulse oximeter, capable of sharing all collected data with other devices using Bluetooth technology. Nonin Medical integrated innovative features to guarantee perfect collection of metrics. Firstly, users are informed via a digital display, the “CorrectCheck”, if they haven’t rightly placed their finger in the device. Secondly, to assure readings are absolutely correct, the “SmartPoint” mode will verify if the measurement is exact (no matter the conditions: low perfusion, variable skin tones and patient mobility etc.) before potentially passing it on. Using a safe wireless connection, the Nonin Model 3230 consists in the ideal solution for SpO2 and pulse rate spot-checking monitoring demands.

Uscan Ultrasound for Automatic, High Resolution Bladder Measurements

Signostics out of Bothell, Washington, is releasing its portable Uscan ultrasound system. It consists of a transducer connected to a tablet device, the two optimized to perform urologic visualizations. As the clinician scans the patient, the device takes 256 ultrasound slices to create an outline of the bladder and estimate its volume. This is displayed on the screen, and a number of measurements can be derived from it. The firm believes that unlike the typical eight slices taken by other systems for bladder volume, the Uscan provides a much more accurate result. Additionally the system can be used to confirm the placement of catheters, image the kidneys, pelvic floor, prostate, and gallbladder, as well as help diagnose bladder stones.

The startup aiming to conquer hospital-acquired infections

In the global race to find potent weapons against hospital-acquired infections — affecting 511 million patients worldwide at a cost of $12 billion per year in Europe alone – an Israeli startup is putting its money on a method for embedding zinc-oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles onto natural and synthetic fabrics. Founded in 2014, Nano Textile licensed the proprietary technology from the tech-transfer company of Bar-Ilan University, where it was developed by chemistry Prof. Aharon Gedanken. ZnO is known for its antibacterial properties even against antibiotic-resistant strains, and has been approved by the FDA as safe. Gedanken’s method uses ultrasound radiation to form colorless ZnO nanoparticles that are then “thrown” onto the textile’s surface at high speed so they strongly adhere. “The main advantages of the technology is that it can apply antibacterial properties to any kind of readymade fabric, the treatment does not at all alter the fabric’s color, and the entire process is extre...

Recomendaciones de Protección Civil en temporada de huracanes


Emperra ESYSTA BT, a New Bluetooth-Connected Insulin Pen

Emperra GmbH, a company based in Potsdam, Germany, has announced what it claims is the world’s first Bluetooth-connected insulin pen. Perhaps it was at the time of writing the press release, but two days ago Companion Medical (San Diego, CA) has unveiled its already FDA cleared InPen insulin pen that tracks intake, calculates dosage, and manages how much insulin is in reserve. ESYSTA-BT-insulin-pen The Emperra ESYSTA BT pen records every insulin injection and shares that data with an accompanying iOS or Android app. The actual insulin can come from any of the major suppliers like Novo Nordisk and Sanofi thanks to special adapters. Moreover, the app records the insulin that was used so that any mixing up of basal and bolus ESYSTA pens can be quickly noticed. While many diabetics have been keeping pretty good records of their glucose levels and insulin intake, many more don’t do such a good job if any at all. The new smart insulin pens will allow clinicians taking care of diabeti...

RadPRO Mobile 40kW FLEX PLUS Digital X-ray System Unveiled

Canon‘s Virtual Imaging division is unveiling its new RadPRO Mobile 40kw FLEX PLUS Digital X-ray System. It was designed to speed up exam times thanks to customized workflows available through the system’s Enhanced Workflow Package. Routine imaging tasks can also be done straight from the device, so you don’t need to go to a workstation to login into the hospital’s healthcare info system. More details from Canon: The Enhanced Workflow Package allows users to customize their workflow routine with existing HIS/RIS, allowing them to streamline processes by removing unnecessary steps and seamlessly switching between image acquisition and third-party HIS/RIS software applications or PACS/QA. Conveniently allowing users to query PACS for prior studies, perform image verification and close patient exams all from the mobile system, the RadPRO Mobile 40kw FLEX PLUS Digital X-ray System enables healthcare professionals to perform nearly all routine imaging tasks right from the patient’s be...