
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2009

Tibotec and FDA Update Warnings for Intelence

Tibotec and FDA Update Warnings for Intelence August 27, 2009 Audience: Infectious disease healthcare professionals, patients. Tibotec Therapeutics and FDA notified healthcare professionals of revisions to the WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS section of the prescribing information for Intelence (etravirine). There have been postmarketing reports of cases of Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis and erythema multiforme, as well as hypersensitivity reactions characterized by rash, constitutional findings, and sometimes organ dysfunction, including hepatic

El apio muy bueno para la artritis

Salud Alternativa El apio muy bueno para la artritis El apio (Apium graveolens) es mas conocido como un vegetal que como una medicina, el apio como hierba medicinal es principalmente usado en el tratamiento de reumatismo, artritis y gota. Conteniendo apiol, las semillas son también usadas como un antiséptico urinario. El apio es una hierba limpiadora, diurética y las semillas son específicamente usadas para los problemas de artritis donde hay una acumulación de productos de desecho, Las semillas también tienen una reputación como un carminativo con un suave efecto tranquilizante. Los tallos son menos significantes en la medicina.

Stress Management Tips, Causes and Relief

Nutrition Site Moss Greene BellaOnline's Nutrition Editor Stress Management Tips, Causes and Relief Stressed out? If so, you're not alone. Stress is the most common cause of illness and disease in our society, underlying anywhere from 75 to 90% of all doctors' visits. But stress management involves making changes. Are you up for that? Whether you change your lifestyle, habits, thoughts, feelings, circumstances or reactions to circumstances, in order to reduce stress you must make changes. Stress Management Tips Focus on making changes in the following areas: Attitude: The same stressful circumstances affect people differently because of attitude. A more positive attitude can greatly reduce the amount of stress you feel. Nutrition: A deficient diet weakens your immune system and brain function, causing you to be more susceptible to disease, depression and poor decisions. Exercise: Lack of physical activity is stressful. Exercise produces endorphins contributing to less depre...


HPLC/LC HPLC Accessories We have expanded our HPLC accessories offering. See what's new in pre-column filters, guards, injectors, and tubing including Upchurch, Rheodyne, and Optimize Technologies products. Sample Handling 7th Edition SPME Applications CD Now Available We've recently updated the SPME Applications CD to include over 3,000 references for the use of SPME in environmental, food and beverage, forensic, and other analytical sample-preparation applications. The CD includes SPME literature and video demonstrations of various aspects of SPME including manual sampling and autosampler use. Visit the SPME home page at sigma-aldrich.com/spme to register for your free copy of the new 7th edition SPME Applications CD. GC "Maximize Performance!" Brochure The GC Accessories and Gas Purification/Management product brochure is designed to provide the user with a convenient source to find the most commonly replaced items. Color pictures and technical specifications a...

Los aneurismas y sus tratamientos

Los aneurismas y sus tratamientos Tratamiento para aneurismas cerebrales Hay varias formas de tratar los aneurismas basados en el tamaño de los aneurismas y la ubicación. Si un aneurisma es pequeño y no se ha roto y esta en una área de acceso difícil, el paciente es puesto bajo observación. Sin embargo, si el aneurisma se ha roto, las opciones de tratamiento tales como la Intervención quirúrgica y la intervención endovascular están disponibles. Intervención quirúrgica – un neurocirujano realiza una cirugía bajo anestesia general y puede ya sea recortar el aneurisma, poniendo un pequeño microclip a través del cuello del aneurisma, el cual evita que la sangre entre en esta área debilitada; o envuelve el aneurisma con un pedazo de musculo con una forma de plastico para evitar que la pared debilitada se rompa. Intervención endovascular – un neurocirujano realiza un artereograma en radilogía con el paci...

Coming available… fully loaded Vivid 7 Expert Dimension BT08 LCD Monitor – 2007

Coming available… fully loaded Vivid 7 Expert Dimension BT08 LCD Monitor – 2007 Vivid 7 BT08 LCD Monitor (MFG 2007) 21" Flat Panel Display, Color Doppler, CW/PW Doppler, M-Mode, Angio, ECHO STRESS Tissue tracking, TVI, Echo DICOM, IMT, Strain, Q Analysis, ECG/AUX, DVD R/W, MOD M3S Cardiac Sector

A few items that should be of interest…

A few items that should be of interest… Vivid 7 BT08 LCD Monitor (MFG 2007) 21" Flat Panel Display, Color Doppler, CW/PW Doppler, M-Mode, Angio, ECHO STRESS Tissue tracking, TVI, Echo DICOM, IMT, Strain, Q Analysis, ECG/AUX, DVD R/W, MOD M3S Cardiac Sector Medison SonoAce X8 (Live 3D System) MFG 2008-2009 - Like New in the original box 17' LCD, Color Doppler, PW Doppler, Angio, M-Mode, Tissue Harmonics Pulse Inversion Harmonics, Live 3D/Multi-Plane 3D/Surface 3D, SonoView CAFÉ, 3D-Xi, DICOM, DMR 3DC4-8ET 3D Abdominal, C3-7EP 2D Convex, NEV4-9ES 2D EndoVaginal (NEW) DEMO PROBES Medison V10 (MFG: 2008-2009) - Like New in the original box LIVE 3D/4D, Color Doppler, PW Doppler, M-Mode, Angio, Pulse Inversion Harmonics Touch Screen Control, MOD, CDR-Writer, DICOM Networking, 3DXI SONOATLAS, Panoramic Imaging, DMR 3DC4-8ET 3D Abdominal, C2-6IC 2D Convex, NEV4-9ES 2D EndoVaginal ZONE A Cypress C/V – Rev. 14 Cardiac/Vascular calc., Cypress Viewer, DICOM Networking, Stress Echo ...


Doctores Un hombre va al médico en muy mal estado, con innumerables golpes en todo el cuerpo, el médico le pregunta la causa: Le digo doctor, estaba yo tranquilamente parado, cuando de pronto vino una bicicleta y me da un golpe terrible en la espalda. ¡Ah! ya comprendo. No, no termina todo ahí, me estoy todavía levantando, y de pronto viene un camión, me pega en una de las piernas y caigo nuevamente. Pero no termina todo, me levanto y el avión en vuelo rasante me da con toda el ala en el cuello, y cuando estaba por fin recuperándome pasa el trasatlántico y me golpea de lleno con la quilla en el esternón. Usted perdone mi incredulidad, pero lo de la bicicleta lo creo, lo del camión puede ser, pero lo del avión y el trasatlántico, ya me parece un poco exagerado. ¿Exagerado? ¡Mire, si no paraban el carrusel a tiempo muero aplastado por la vaca, el caballo y la nave espacial! -- Padece artritis? dolor, fatiga, rigide...

Eurand Granted FDA Approval for Zenpep

Eurand Granted FDA Approval for Zenpep August 28, 2009 PHILADELPHIA, PA, Aug 28, 2009 -- Eurand N.V., a specialty pharmaceutical company, today announced U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of its New Drug Application (NDA) for Zenpep (pancrelipase) Delayed-Release Capsules for the treatment of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) or other conditions. Zenpep is the only FDA-approved pancreatic enzyme product (PEP) that has been evaluated in clinical studies in adults and children -- including children

nuevos productos de aloe vera en ESGdm

Aloe Vera Pulpa & Jugo (250 ml) Sabor Manzana, Mango y Durazno Bebida recomendada para desórdenes del sistema digestivo tales como gastritis, colitis, úlceras y estreñimiento. Esta bebida está endulzada con azúcar, lo que la convierte en un refresco nutracéutico ideal. JUGO ALOE FLOATING SABOR MANGO NATURAL 355 ML. TIPO REFRESCO. Fortalezca su sistema inmunológico creando resistencia a las enfermedades. Bebidas de Aloe Vera Totaloe Process (1000 ml) Sabores Natural, Berry, Ambrosía y Orange Papaya. Bebida recomendada para reducir los niveles de colesterol y triglicéridos en la sangre, alta presión, además de fortalecer el sistema inmunológico, esta bebida está endulzada con fructosa. Aloe Vera Totaloe Process Gluco Down Orgánico. Una de las más destacadas propiedades curativas del Aloe Vera, es controlar la Diabetes, es por ello que esta bebida contiene pulpa de Aloe Vera la cual garantiza su pureza y auten...

Voluntary Nationwide Recall of Accusure Insulin Syringes [31G, 1/2 cc and 1 cc]

Voluntary Nationwide Recall of Accusure Insulin Syringes [31G, 1/2 cc and 1 cc] August 24, 2009 Audience: Patients with diabetes mellitus, pharmacists and diabetes healthcare professionals. Qualitest Pharmaceuticals and FDA notified patients and healthcare professionals of a voluntary nationwide recall of two lots of Accusure Insulin Syringes. The syringes in these lots have been found to have needles which can detach from the syringe. When the needle becomes detached from the syringe during use, it can become stuck in the insulin vial, push back into the syringe, or remain in the...

FDA Approves Xyzal For Use In Children Age Six Months And Older For The Relief Of Perennial Allergic Rhinitis And Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria

FDA Approves Xyzal For Use In Children Age Six Months And Older For The Relief Of Perennial Allergic Rhinitis And Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria August 25, 2009 ATLANTA and BRIDGEWATER, N.J., Aug. 24 /PRNewswire/ -- UCB and sanofi-aventis U.S. announced today that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Xyzal (levocetirizine dihydrochloride) for children age six months and older for the relief of symptoms of perennial allergic rhinitis (indoor allergies) and chronic idiopathic urticaria (chronic hives) and for children age two years and older for symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis (outdoor allergies). Until now, Xyzal , a once-daily prescription...

Medison X8 (new condition unit)

Medison X8 (new condition unit) Color Doppler, PW Doppler, Angio, M Mode, Tissue Harmonics Pulse Inversion Harmonics, Live 3D/Multiplane 3D/surface 3D, Sonoview, CAFE, 3DXI , 17" LCD, Dicom, Dynamic MR, - 3D4-8ET, 4D Convex - NEV4-9ES 2D Endocav - AXC3-7EP, 2D Convex - AX-HL5-12ED - (5-12MHz) Linear


Analytical Are you getting the best results from your HPLC column? Read our article on HPLC to see if making a simple change in your sample preparation could give you superior results. More information ... Chemistry Ergonomic Lab Clamps with "Grippy Knobs" New 2-prong and 3-prong clamps have large plastic knobs that are easy on the fingers and provide extra gripping power to tighten or loosen connections without tools. More information ... Life Science Looking for a replacement for your Polaroid film? Fujifilm® is now available at Sigma-Aldrich! Same great quality and resolution, same great results! More information ... Sample Preparation Prevent cross contamination when weighing samples Our new selection of individually packaged sterile spoons are the ideal solution for preventing cross over contamination. Ideal for powders or liquids they even remain upright when filled making them ideal to use as weighing boats. More information ... News and Innovation "Easy...

What you need to know about flying with pets

By Bill McGee, special for USA TODAY This is a tough economic climate to launch an airline, let alone one that won't carry human beings. Yet last month Pet Airways took to the skies with one-way fares ranging from $149 to $299—and now all its flights are booked through November. "It's a needed service," says Alysa Binder, who co-founded the company along with her husband after their Jack Russell terrier Zoe encountered a rough cross-country flight in a baggage bin a few years ago. The so-called "pawsengers" fly in the reconfigured main cabin of a Beech 1900 aircraft, along with a trained pet attendant. The route map currently consists of service from airports in and around five metropolitan areas—Long Island, Baltimore-Washington, Chicago, Denver and Los Angeles County—but Pet Airways has ambitious expansion plans for 25 North American cities within a few years, and Binder says South Florida, Boston, and Phoenix are next. It would seem Pet Airways never woul...

Two units coming available…

Two units coming available… Cypress C/V – Rev. 14 Cardiac/Vascular calc., Cypress Viewer Color Doppler, CW/PW Doppler, M-Mode, Angio, ECG Cable, MOD 3V2C – Adult Cardiac Sector, 7L3 – Vascular Linear Cypress C/V – Rev. 14 Stress Cardiac/Vascular calc., Cypress Viewer Color Doppler, CW/PW Doppler, M-Mode, Angio, ECG Cable, MOD 3V2C – Adult Cardiac Sector, 7L3 – Vascular Linear

The Health Benefits of Drinking Water

Nutrition Site Moss Greene BellaOnline's Nutrition Editor The Health Benefits of Drinking Water The benefits of drinking water are extraordinary. Actually, pure drinking water is the most important nutrient of all. Yet the health benefits of drinking water are often ignored. Every cell and system in your body relies on water to operate properly. Although you could live for over a month without food, you can only go for about 3 days without water. The Importance of Drinking Water The benefits of water and the importance of drinking water is essential to life – second only to oxygen. It's a major component of your skin, tissues, cells and all of your organs. Water is necessary to process and absorb all the nutrients from the foods you eat. It circulates through your blood and lymphatic system, carrying oxygen and essential nutrients to your cells. It also flushes out toxins and waste through urine and sweat. Consistent lack of enough water (chronic dehydration) can cause constipa...


Our company is one of professional chemical manufacturers in Mexico and specializes in manufacturing, supplying and exporting the basis chemical raw materials. Our products quality have been passed the certificate of UKAS-ISO 9001:2008 in quality, the products include main four types as following: 1. Pigments , Dyestuffs & Paint • Iron Oxide Red/Yellow/Black/Green/Brown • Lithopone 28-30%/30% Min. • Phthalocyanine Green &Blue • Chrome Oxide Green • Medium Chrome Yellow (103 105LH) • Permanent Yellow G • Fluorescent Brightener VBL • Titanium Dioxide Anatase/Rutile Type • Sulphur Black • Polyviny Alcohol (PVA) • Red Lead • Pigment Red 2. Organic Chemicals • Carboxyl Methyl Cellulose (CMC). • Oxalic Acid 99.6% Min. • Pentaerythritol 95%, 98% Min. • Formic Acid 85%, 90% Min • Glacial Acetic Acid 99% Min • Phosporic Acid 85% (Industry & Food Grade) • Xanthan Gum 3. Chemicals for Rubber Industry • Carbon Black N220/N330/N550/N660 • Zinc Oxide 99%/99.5%/99.7% Min. • Rubber Antioxi...

Ibuprofen (Unapproved) topical drug products

Ibuprofen (Unapproved) topical drug products August 21, 2009 Audience: Consumers, pharmacists. FDA informed consumers and healthcare professionals of its intent to take action against eight companies that market unlawful over-the-counter (OTC) topical drug products containing the pain reliever ibuprofen. The products, which contain ibuprofen in combination with a variety of other active ingredients and are marketed for pain relief, are unapproved new drugs that require an approved new drug application in order to be legally marketed.

Lundbeck Inc. Announces FDA Marketing Approval for Sabril for the Treatment of Two Difficult-to-Treat Epilepsies

Lundbeck Inc. Announces FDA Marketing Approval for Sabril for the Treatment of Two Difficult-to-Treat Epilepsies August 21, 2009 DEERFIELD, Ill.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug 21, 2009 - Lundbeck Inc. ("Lundbeck"), a wholly owned subsidiary of H. Lundbeck A/S in Denmark (Copenhagen: LUN), announced today that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted two New Drug Application (NDA) approvals for Sabril (vigabatrin) Tablets and Oral Solution. Lundbeck plans to launch Sabril in the United States in the third quarter.

the danger of aspartame

Many people don?t realize that aspartame is very well–documented as an excitotoxin, meaning that it overexcites nerve cells, causing permanent damage. According to researchers, aspartame causes brain lesions, blindness, migraine headaches, mental confusion, reproductive disorders, Alzheimer?s disease and many other nervous system disorders.... -- Padece artritis? dolor, fatiga, rigidez, deformación, osteoporosis, obesidad: artritistratamientoefectivo.4t.com Ahora su empresa puede lograr mayores beneficios: esgdivisionmedica.4t.com/favorite_links.html

juvenile diabetes

-- Reciba ofertas, promociones y noticias de medicamentos, materiales & equipos médicos en su correo-e: esg-medicalsupplies.blogspot.com Padece artritis? dolor, fatiga, rigidez, deformación, osteoporosis, obesidad: artritistratamientoefectivo.4t.com Tenemos espacios disponibles para su publicidad: esgdivisionmedica.4t.com/favorite_links.html

Anunciate en el 7o FICJ

Anunciate en el 7o FICJ No hay nada como estar presente en el 7º Festival Internacional de Cine Judío - México. Con la gran variedad de posibilidades que te brinda para publicitar tu producto o servicio, existen diversas y atractivas opciones que se ajustan a cualquier presupuesto. Si estas interesado/a en conocer el universo de posibilidades publicitarias, comunicate con nosotros al 10548256, donde uno de nuestros asesores te brindará toda la información. Recuerda, además de publicitar tu empresa, servicio u organización apoyas a este importante proyecto cultural sin fines de lucro y aseguras su continuidad. Historia de éxito de un anunciante del 6º FICJ: http://www.ilanarditti.com/ficj/testimonial.html -- Reciba ofertas, promociones y noticias de medicamentos, materiales & equipos médicos en su correo-e: esg-medicalsupplies.blogspot.com Padece artritis? dolor, fatiga, rigidez, deformación, osteoporosis, obesidad: artritistrata...

Tipos de Lubricantes

Tipos de Lubricantes Posted: 20 Aug 2009 09:39 AM PDT Lubricantes sexuales con base de silicona: Estos lubricantes sexuales son mucho mejores en su faceta de lubricación que los basados en agua. Se nota enseguida que lubrican mucho más, necesitas reponer mucho menos y las sensación es mejor, no son comestibles y no pueden ser utilizados con juguetes eróticos que tengan silicona como componente de la funda o parte de ellos (vibradores, bolas chinas, masturbadores, dildos, etc…); en contacto con la silicona hacen que ésta se degrade y estropean los dildos o vibradores. Son totalmente seguros para su uso con preservativo. Lubricantes sexuales con base de agua: Son los lubricantes sexuales más utilizados. Al tener base de agua son los más indicados para personas que tengan problemas de alergia. Son los que se deben utilizar con todo tipo de juguetes eróticos. Al tener base de agua es muy típico encontrárnoslos con olores, con sabores, etc… S...

ahora su empresa puede lograr mayores benerficios


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Videos de los productos y servicios que ofrece esg división médic@: www.twitvid.com/videos/esgdm Saludos! -- Reciba ofertas, promociones y noticias de medicamentos, materiales & equipos médicos en su correo-e: esg-medicalsupplies.blogspot.com Padece artritis? dolor, fatiga, rigidez, deformación, osteoporosis, obesidad: artritistratamientoefectivo.4t.com Tenemos espacios disponibles para su publicidad: esgdivisionmedica.4t.com/favorite_links.html

US FDA Approves Extavia - the First in a New Portfolio of Planned MS Therapies from Novartis to Help Patients with This Devastating Disease

US FDA Approves Extavia - the First in a New Portfolio of Planned MS Therapies from Novartis to Help Patients with This Devastating Disease August 17, 2009 Basel, August 17, 2009 - The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Extavia (interferon beta-1b), the first in a new planned portfolio of multiple sclerosis (MS) medicines from Novartis to help patients manage this devastating disease. Extavia is approved by the FDA for the treatment of relapsing forms of MS to reduce the frequency of clinical exacerbations. The therapy is also indicated for patients who have experienced a first clinical episode of MS...

Coming available soon - antares

Coming available soon - antares Siemens Antares (MFG: 2007) Premium Edition REV. 5.0 w/ 4D LCD Flat Panel with articulating arm, OB/GYN/Vascular Pkg. Color Doppler, PW Doppler Advanced Four Sight, Translucent Render Method, SieScape-Color, SieScap B/W, 3-Scape Imaging Clarify VE, TEQ Technology, Advanced SieClear Spatial, Anioscopic Rendering M-Mode, THI, DIMAQ: Image Data Management CH6-2(6-1MHz) Convex, VF13-5 (13-5Mhz) Linear Siemens Antares (MFG: 2007) Premium Edition REV. 5.0 w/ 4D LCD Flat Panel with articulating arm, OB/GYN/Vascular Pkg. Color Doppler, PW Doppler Advanced Four Sight, Translucent Render Method, SieScape-Color, SieScap B/W, 3-Scape Imaging Clarify VE, TEQ Technology, Advanced SieClear Spatial, Anioscopic Rendering M-Mode, THI, DIMAQ: Image Data Management C5F1 4D Convex, CH6-2(6-1MHz) Convex, VF13-5 (13-5Mhz) Linear

WaveSense Diabetes App for iPhone and iPod Touch: Now Available on iTunes

WaveSense Diabetes App for iPhone and iPod Touch: Now Available on iTunes Now there's an iPhone and iPod Touch app for diabetes. AgaMatrix, Inc., the makers of the WaveSense line of blood glucose monitoring products, has announced the launch of the WaveSense Diabetes Manager, an electronic diabetes logbook software application that runs on the two Apple products. The WaveSense Diabetes Manager, in development and testing for over a year, lays the foundation for a series of upcoming products that will take advantage of the iPhone and other mobile platforms to help people with diabetes manage the disease. AgaMatrix reports that the WaveSense app provides users with the following features: Easy-to-use data entry Dynamic graphing of glucose data Automatic mealtime tagging of results Integrated food intake, activity, and medication data management Insulin dosage management Statistical analysis of glucose results Integrated emailing of results On-screen help menus Customizable settings ...


Imágenes de los productos y servicios que le ofrece esg división médic@: http://twitpic.com/photos/esgdm Esperamos su visita! -- Reciba ofertas, promociones y noticias de medicamentos, materiales & equipos médicos en su correo-e: esg-medicalsupplies.blogspot.com Padece artritis? dolor, fatiga, rigidez, deformación, osteoporosis, obesidad: artritistratamientoefectivo.4t.com Tenemos espacios disponibles para su publicidad: esgdivisionmedica.4t.com/favorite_links.html

cuponera del festival

-- Reciba ofertas, promociones y noticias de medicamentos, materiales & equipos médicos en su correo-e: esg-medicalsupplies.blogspot.com Padece artritis? dolor, fatiga, rigidez, deformación, osteoporosis, obesidad: artritistratamientoefectivo.4t.com Tenemos espacios disponibles para su publicidad: esgdivisionmedica.4t.com/favorite_links.html

Alate 2003

Alate 2003 Variedad de uva/Grape variety: Tempranillo. Embotellado/Bottled: 29/04/2004. Descripción del producto: Su color es rojo intenso. Sus aromas son afrutados. En boca es agradable y fresco. Product description: His color is strong red. And his aromas smell fruits. Pleasant and fresh in the mouth. Grado alcohólico: 12,5 %. Tapón: Corcho de 44 mm. de largo por 24 mm. de diámetro, marcado a fuego. Cápsula: inviolable con disco de acero inoxidable. .יין אלתה, הוא יין צעיר שנלקח מבחירה של ענבים ראשונים, שנבצרו במכונה והותססו ביקבי פלדה ללא חלודה. כל פעולות היצור של יין זה נעשו תחת השגחת .הרב הראשי של הקהילה היהודית בברצלונה .צבעו אדום עז. ניחוחותיו מריחות פרי. נעים וטרי בפה Este vino obtuvo la Medalla de Oro a los vinos españoles 2005 otorgada por Radio Turismo en la cena de gala del día 14/04/2004 que se celebró en Madrid, en el restaurante La Pesquera. (KOSHER L`PESACH) למהדרין מו המהדרין. כשר לפסח .ללא חשש ערלה טבל ושביעית (NO MEVUSHAL) דינ...

Surgeon Implants First Wireless Pacemaker

Surgeon Implants First Wireless Pacemaker Combined with a wireless monitor, the new Accent RF pacemaker allows a patient's clinic to be informed on the status of the pacemaker through a home monitoring system.

Equipment, Auction & Parts Alerts (prices only for suscribers)

1. For Sale PAKISTAN 5" Directors O/R Instrument AUCTION This auction is for a LOT of 175 Pakistan 5" Grooved Directors. These ... 2. For Sale PAKISTAN 7" Clamp O/R Instrument AUCTION This auction is for a LOT of 48 Pakistan 7" clamps. These clamps are n... 3. For Sale PAKISTAN 8" Hemostat O/R Instrument AUCTION This auction is for a LOT of 34 Pakistan 8" artery hemostats. These he... 4. For Sale PAKISTAN Various O/R Instrument AUCTION This auction is for a LOT of 40 Pakistan O/R Instruments. This LOT incl... 5. For Sale PAKISTAN Mayo-Hegar O/R Instrument AUCTION This auction is for a LOT of 90 Pakistan Mayo-Hegar, 7" needle holders. .. 6. For Sale PAKISTAN Walter Splinter O/R Instrument AUCTION This auction is for a LOT of 95 Pakistan Walter Splinter Forceps. Thes... 7. For Sale PAKISTAN 8" Curved O/R Instrument AUCTION This auction is for a LOT of 13 Pakistan 8" Curved Intestinal Forceps. .. 8. For Sale V. MUELLER SU2750 O/R...

Posibles factores geneticos de riesgo de AVE han sido identificados

Posibles factores geneticos de riesgo de AVE han sido identificados Posted: 17 Aug 2009 08:14 PM PDT Fuente: Harrison Medicina El ictus sigue siendo una de las causas de incapacidad y de mortalidad más importantes y frecuentes en todo el mundo. Aunque se ha demostrado que factores ambientales como el tabaco aumentan el riesgo de padecerlo, estudios de gemelos hacen pensar que existe también un componente genético en el riesgo de ictus. Sería importante identificar los genes que aumentan ese riesgo, incluso si es en una minoría de los individuos que lo padecen, para la elaboración de nuevas estrategias terapéuticas. Dos publicaciones recientes aumentan nuestra comprensión de los genes que pueden estar implicados en el ictus. Ikram et al. (2009) llevaron a cabo un estudio de asociación de todo el genoma utilizando, de manera prospectiva, cuatro grandes cohortes poblacionales, de predominio caucásicas. En el momento de la inclusión, ni...

Fluxómetros Retrofit

Modelo HB 8RFK C Fluxómetros Retrofit Juego de conversión para Fluxómetro automático único en el mercado. Incorpora un circuito electrónico y válvula solenoide, con luces indicadoras internas de autodiagnóstico. Luz indicadora de baterías bajas. No es necesario cerrar la alimentación de agua para cambiar las baterías. Botón manual de descarga independiente de las baterías. Nuevo pistón principal con menos fricción. Filtro integrado autolavable. Cubierta totalmente metálica. Ojos del sensor con inclinación variable. Montaje opcional para alimentación izquierda ó derecha. Sellos de silicón inafectables por cloro. Tiempo de descarga ajustable. Descarga pre-programada, cada 24 horas para muebles sanitarios de poco uso. Demora de tiempo inicial de 4 a 8 segundos para prevenir descargas de agua en falso. Se adapta a cualquier fluxómetro manual ó automático. Instalación r...

componentes hidráulicos, trituradoras de residuos industriales...............

Editorial esg división médic@ le trae las últimas novedades del sector indsutrial. En esta edición le presentamos componentes hidráulicos, trituradoras de residuos industriales, tarimas de acero inoxidable, esquineros de cartón y unas versátiles tarjetas RFID. Además, asesoría y capacitación en programas de la STPS, servicio de logística inversa y carros para recolección de basura. Si desea consultar más productos y empresas, visite nuestro directorio esgdivisionmedica.4t.com y encuentre lo que busca de forma fácil, rápida y directa.

Schering-Plough Announces FDA Approval of Saphris (asenapine)

Schering-Plough Announces FDA Approval of Saphris (asenapine) August 14, 2009 KENILWORTH, N.J., Aug. 14 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Schering-Plough Corporation today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Saphris (asenapine) sublingual tablets for acute treatment of schizophrenia in adults and acute treatment of manic or mixed episodes associated with bipolar I disorder with or without psychotic features in adults. Saphris can be used as a first-line treatment and is the first psychotropic drug to receive initial approval for both...


New Stuff This Week Luciferins! The incredible new Luciferins are a brand new product from Lish Daelnar, AKA lishd on LiveJournal. The first production run of Luciferins was greeted with rave reviews by the LiveJournal stretched community. You can view in-ear pictures from many of them. The next batch of Luciferins goes into production on August 16th. All ten variations in 8 gauge through 1" are available for pre-order in our store until August 16th. We will also be stocking the red on clear and red on cobalt plugs in both single and double flares but supplies will be limited so you may want to lock yours in with a pre-order. Luciferins have the same visual properties as Industrial Strength's long-gone satin dichro plugs. They can be scratched similarly to the satin dichro, but have held up well in testing. The color is permanently & professionally bonded to the front of the plugs only, not the wearable. They should be cleaned with a soft, dry cloth without solvents. New A...


HOMEODENT, PROTECCION INTEGRAL DIENTES Y ENCIAS la pasta dentífrica recomendada con los tratamientos homeopaticos La pasta dentifríca Homeodent está compuesta por una asociación exclusiva de plantas y sales de flúor que actúan de manera complementaria sobre los dientes y las encías y, así, previenen de la manera más natural la caries. Homeodent no contiene menta, lo que convierte a esta línea de dentífricos en la pasta de referencia en tratamientos homeopáticos.

"STRESS LABORAL" Newsletter # 401

"STRESS LABORAL" Newsletter # 401 ¿Te parece que tendrías que tener mas trabajo listo del que tienes? ¿Desearías necesitar dormir menos horas? ¿Apenas tienes tiempo de comer durante tus horas de trabajo? ¿Reconoces que no puedes hacer cosas que te gustaría por falta de tiempo? ¿Te cuesta encontrar tiempo para hacerte los chequeos médicos? ¿Necesitas llevarte trabajo a casa porque las horas de oficina no te alcanzan? ¿Cuando tienes un momento libre no sabes que hacer con él? ¿SE queja tu familia del poco tiempo que compartes con ellos? ¿Te cuesta relajarte? ¿Sientes que la gente espera mucho de vos y te sientes sobre exigido? ¿Te preocupa tu futuro de una manera exagerada? ¿Sientes que tu vida es muy complicada y muchas veces no sabes ni por donde empezar a lidiar con ella? ¿Por momentos no le encuentras sentido a seguir viviendo de esta manera? -- Reciba ofertas, promociones y noticias de...

control blood glucose


Precio especial en Dermoabrasión + Ultrasonido


Las primeras manifestaciones de un tumor cerebral pueden ser síntomas psiquiátricos

Las primeras manifestaciones de un tumor cerebral pueden ser síntomas psiquiátricos Posted: 11 Aug 2009 09:24 PM PDT Fuente: neurologia.com Una nueva investigación sugiere que para algunos pacientes con cáncer, en especial los que padecen tumores cerebrales y cáncer de pulmón de células pequeñas, la primera manifestación es un síntoma psiquiátrico. Los resultados de esta investigación indican que, un mes después de la primera evaluación de los síntomas psiquiátricos, la probabilidad de ser diagnosticados de algún tumor maligno aumenta en 2,61 veces. Para los tumores cerebrales, el riesgo de diagnóstico es de 18,85 veces. A partir de los datos de varios registros daneses sobre cáncer, loa autores evaluaron la aparición de los síntomas psiquiátricos y de cáncer en más de 4 millones de sujetos entre 1994 y 2003. Durante ese período, uno de cada 63 sujetos mayor de 50...

5 Easy Ways to Improve your website with ESGdm

5 Easy Ways to Improve your website with ESGdm Make your Web site faster, cooler, and more popular – all for about the price of a cup of coffee! Just log in to the member area and click on "Upgrade your site." For only $8 a month, you can: Eliminate banner ads for a less cluttered, more professional look Expand your site with more photos, pages, and files Upload bigger files faster and more easily Update your site design with new templates and layouts Share email accounts on your personal domain with more family & friends < All of our upgraded packages also allow you to track the number of visitors to your site, where they come from, and which pages they view. Upgrade now to take advantage of these great features – you're sure to get more from your site and keep visitors coming back! -- Reciba ofertas, promociones y noticias de medicamentos, materiales & equipos médicos en su correo-e: esg-medicalsupplies.blogspot.com Padece artritis? dolor, fatiga, rigide...

Infusion Pumps

Infusion Pumps Blow-Out SALE! Our lowest prices ever!

Automatización de Máquinas y Control Distribuido

Ahora ESGdm le puede ayudar en: Automatización de Máquinas y Control Distribuido para su industria, empresa o proyectos.

FDA Approves Livalo for Primary Hypercholesterolemia and Combined Dyslipidemia

FDA Approves Livalo for Primary Hypercholesterolemia and Combined Dyslipidemia August 4, 2009 MONTGOMERY, Ala. and MORRISVILLE, N.C., Aug. 3 /PRNewswire/ -- Kowa Research Institute (KRI) based in Morrisville, NC and Kowa Pharmaceuticals America, Inc. (KPA), a privately-held specialty pharmaceutical company headquartered in Montgomery, AL, announced today that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Livalo (pitavastatin), a potent HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor (statin), for the primary treatment of hypercholesterolemia and combined dyslipidemia.

Puritan Bennett 840 Respiratory Ventilator

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Puritan Bennett 840 Respiratory Ventilator CERTIFIED REFURBISHED - The Puritan Bennett® 840™Ventilator System is responsive to patients and offers superior comfort, delivering sensitive, precise breaths to critically ill neonatal through adult patients. For use in the hospital environment... MORE >> See All Respiratory Ventilators >> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Siemens Maquet Servo-i Ventilator SERVO-i was one of the the first ventilators on the market designed to grow with clinicians' changing needs. This design philosophy secures lasting value from an investment in SERVO. MAQUET is committed to continuous development of the platform. Since the launch of SERVO-i in 2001, MAQUET has released new functionality on a yearly basis with 100% backwards compatibility. ... MORE >> See All Respiratory Ventilators >> -------------...

Otra sugerencia para curar cortaduras raspaduras y heridas

Salud Alternativa Otra sugerencia para curar cortaduras raspaduras y heridas Aplica aceite del árbol del té (Melaleuca Alternifolia (árbol de origen Australiano)) para evitar la infección y vuelve a aplicar cada 2-3 horas, para acelerar la curación aplica en forma local uno o más de lo siguiente: vitamina E (esto también va a reducir la cicatriz) jugo fresco de aloe vera o una compresa de consuelda (carqueja o comfrey en Inglés.)

i've packed



ULTRASOUNDS / ECHOGRAPHES High value GE - SIEMENS CT & MRI Systems GE Excite Twinspeed 1.5T MRI From 2003/4 (magnet from 2003, electronics from 2004) Software Version: 11 - Options: Smartprep 2000 - 3DFRFSE (Linux) - IDRIVEPRO (Linux) Asset option - Probe 2000 (Linux) - Echoplus option (Linux) Diffusion Tensor option (Linux) -Probe 3D Brain option (Linux) PC Linux Research Mod. - Scantools 11.0 option Siemens CT Somatom Volume Zoom 4 slice From 2001- tube Siemens Dura dtd. 15th August 2008 only 9 month ! Navigator - main console - Wizard - post processing and filming Leonardo - Advanced post processing functions - The system is under full service contract GE LightSpeed VCT 64 Slice CT From 2005 Options: Smartscore,Reporting, Tool,VT Perfusion3, Cardiac Func Volume Viewer,Advanced Vessel Analysis Advanced Lung Analysis, Card EXP Pro Price on request.

diabetes medications

-- Reciba ofertas, promociones y noticias de medicamentos, materiales & equipos médicos en su correo-e: esg-medicalsupplies.blogspot.com Padece artritis? dolor, fatiga, rigidez, deformación, osteoporosis, obesidad: artritistratamientoefectivo.4t.com Tenemos espacios disponibles para su publicidad: esgdivisionmedica.4t.com/favorite_links.html

Invega Approved as the First and Only Treatment for Schizoaffective Disorder

Invega Approved as the First and Only Treatment for Schizoaffective Disorder August 6, 2009 TITUSVILLE, N.J., July 31 /PRNewswire/ -- The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today approved the first and only antipsychotic for the acute treatment of schizoaffective disorder. Invega (paliperidone) extended-release tablets were approved for the acute treatment of schizoaffective disorder either as monotherapy or adjunctive therapy to mood stabilizers and/or antidepressants. Invega was approved in 2006 for the treatment of schizophrenia.

Angina More Common in Women

Angina More Common in Women The chest pain also plagues some heart attack survivors A recent study suggests angina is 20 percent more common in women than in men. Another study indicates one in five patients experience angina one year after a heart attack, and the chest pain is more common in heart attack survivors who do not quit smoking.

El FICJ recomienda...........


Health Care IT: 10 Healthy BlackBerry Apps for You and Your Doctor

Health Care IT: 10 Healthy BlackBerry Apps for You and Your Doctor While iPhone Apps attract a good deal of publicity, other mobile-device makers have been busy populating their own application stores with programs devoted to nearly every aspect of life. Research In Motion's growing ecosystem of apps seems tailored to show users that the BlackBerry can be more than a simple business device. Health care and medical services represent one of the growing segments of BlackBerry apps. Whether the user is a typical consumer looking for calorie information or a health care professional needing to check patient data while on the move, the following 10 apps could prove useful in the realm of health.

Optimax Veterinary Anesthesia Machine


Great Savings on Optimax Anesthesia Machine, More

Optimax Veterinary Anesthesia Machine The Moduflex Optimax anesthesia machine is a working station that combines ingenuity, sophistication and practical common sense. The Optimax is a flexible high end machine that holds 2 vaporizers. This machine is typically used... MORE >> See All Anesthesia Machines >> Hamilton Bell VanGuard Centrifuge The Hamilton Bell VanGuard V6000 and V6500 models incorporate the most advanced design in their class. The VanGuard centrifuge meets the needs of today's health care environment. When the transparent polycarbonate cover is closed, the VanGuard centrifuge provides aerosol and splash protection and ... MORE >> See All Centrifuges >> Valleylab Force 2 ESU CERTIFIED REFURBISHED - Provides cutting and coagulation in monopolar or bipolar outputs, audible and visual alarms, including a standard REM™ Fault Indicator (Return Electrode Monitoring), Maximum 300 watt output for cutting... MORE >> See All Electrosurgical Units ...

Equipment, Auction & Parts Alerts (prices only for suscribers)

1. For Sale VALLEY LAB Force 2 Electrosurgical Unit AUCTION You are bidding on ONE (1) Valley Lab Force 2 Electro Surgical Units Fo... 2. For Sale DATASCOPE System 95 Balloon Pump AUCTION You are bidding on TWO (2) Datascope Systen 95 Intra Aortic Balloon Pumps 3. For Sale LUMENIS Ultra Rulse Laser - Co2 AUCTION You are bidding on a Lumenis Ultra Pulse Laser The UltraPulse SurgiTouc... 4. For Sale UNKNOWN Emergency Eye Wash Other This is a new Fend-All Emergency Eye Wash Station. Model Pure Flow 1000.... 5. For Sale EDAN SE 1200 EKG 12 Channel ECG SE-12 Features: - Complete digital filtering, avoiding ba... 6. PANASONIC Other PANASONIC DVD DRIVE Parts For Sale 7. GE Other HANDLE, SG80 BUCKY Parts For Sale 8. GENERAL ELECTRIC Other Gantry RCV (TGP) Board CN1 to CN9 No.886 Cable Parts For Sale 9. GENERAL ELECTRIC Other Gantry V1.5/V3 X-Ray Generator (XG) Power Unit KV Control Board Assy Parts For Sale 10. GENERAL ELECTRIC Other H4 Gantry (GNT) Right H-Power Control/Button Pa...

editorial agosto 2009

Editorial En su novena edición ESGdm le trae lo último del sector industrial. Le presentamos vehículo de carga ligera, transportador para la industria alimenticia, constructora de instalaciones industriales y contenedores plegables. Además, una versátil termoformadora, verificador de código de barras, software para el control de asistencia de sus empleados y un camión utilitario de alto desempeño. No olvide que puede consultar más productos y empresas visitando esgdivisionmedica.4t.com y encuentre lo que busca de forma fácil, rápida y directa.


IDEXX INNOVATIONS New FIV RealPCR™ Test helps confirm active infection IDEXX Reference Laboratories presents the first highly specific diagnostic that detects the presence of FIV nucleic acid to help confirm active infection. Read more > New VetConnect® online telemedicine tool Faster, more efficient submissions and consult report reviews. Read more >

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La exposición prenatal al virus de la gripe podría aumentar el riesgo de desarrollar esquizofrenia en el futuro.

Clinica, Salud, Rehabilitación. La exposición prenatal al virus de la gripe podría aumentar el riesgo de desarrollar esquizofrenia en el futuro. Posted: 29 Jul 2009 07:12 PM PDT Fuente: neurologia.com Un nuevo estudio publicado en la revista Biological Psychiatry muestra que adultos con esquizofrenia que han estado expuestos al virus de la gripe durante su gestación obtienen resultados más bajos en las pruebas de coeficiente intelectual (CI) que el promedio poblacional. Estos resultados se obtienen en la niñez, antes de la aparición de la psicosis. La exposición prenatal al virus de la gripe no parece tener efecto sobre el CI infantil en los participantes del estudio quen o sufren de esquizofrenia. Los autores destacan también que los efectos dependien de la cepa viral, ya que sólo la infección materna con el virus de la gripe B, pero no A, se asocia con el rendimiento cognitivo infantil y la aparición futura de la esquizofre...

New Safety Information for Colchicine (marketed as Colcrys)

New Safety Information for Colchicine (marketed as Colcrys) July 30, 2009 Audience: Rheumatological healthcare professionals. FDA notified healthcare professionals of the approval of the first single-ingredient oral colchicine product, Colcrys, for the treatment of familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) and acute gout flares and of two previously uncharacterized safety concerns associated with the use of colchicine. Oral colchicine has been used for many years as an unapproved drug with no FDA-approved prescribing information, dosage recommendations, or drug interaction warnings.

FDA Approves Tyvaso (treprostinil) Inhalation Solution for the Treatment of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

FDA Approves Tyvaso (treprostinil) Inhalation Solution for the Treatment of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension July 30, 2009 SILVER SPRING, Md., July 30 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- United Therapeutics Corporation announced today that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Tyvaso (treprostinil) Inhalation Solution for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) using the Tyvaso Inhalation System (which includes the Optineb-ir device and accessories). Tyvaso is indicated to increase walk distance in patients with NYHA Class III symptoms associated with WHO Group I PAH

New Drug Approvals

New Drug Approvals The following drugs have recently been approved by the FDA. Acuvail (ketorolac tromethamine) Ophthalmic Solution Date of Approval: July 22, 2009 Treatment for: Postoperative Ocular Inflammation Acuvail Drug Information | Press Release Onsolis (fentanyl) Buccal Soluble Film Date of Approval: July 16, 2009 Treatment for: Pain Onsolis Drug Information | Press Release Sumavel DosePro (sumatriptan) Injection Date of Approval: July 15, 2009 Treatment for: Migraine, Cluster Headache Sumavel DosePro Drug Information | Press Release Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) Tablet Date of Approval: July 10, 2009 Treatment for: Emergency Contraception Plan B One-Step Drug Information | Press Release Effient (prasugrel) Tablets Date of Approval: July 10, 2009 Treatment for: Acute Coronary Syndrome Effient Drug Information | Press Release Multaq (dronedarone) Tablets Date of Approval: July 1, 2009 Treatment for: Atrial Fibrillation, Atrial Flutter Multaq Drug Information | Press Release ...