
New Stuff This Week
The incredible new Luciferins are a brand new product from Lish
Daelnar, AKA lishd on LiveJournal. The first production run of
Luciferins was greeted with rave reviews by the LiveJournal stretched
community. You can view in-ear pictures from many of them.

The next batch of Luciferins goes into production on August 16th. All
ten variations in 8 gauge through 1" are available for pre-order in
our store until August 16th. We will also be stocking the red on clear
and red on cobalt plugs in both single and double flares but supplies
will be limited so you may want to lock yours in with a pre-order.

Luciferins have the same visual properties as Industrial Strength's
long-gone satin dichro plugs. They can be scratched similarly to the
satin dichro, but have held up well in testing. The color is
permanently & professionally bonded to the front of the plugs only,
not the wearable. They should be cleaned with a soft, dry cloth
without solvents.

New Acrylic Jewelry and Tapers
Acrylic jewelry is a fun alternative for well healed piercings. Our
three new acrylic items are: Neon acrylic tapers in five colors,
single flared acrylic plugs in black or white, and a black acrylic
pincher with pink hearts.


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