
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2009


1. For Sale MARQUETTE Mac Vu EKG AUCTION This auction is for a GE Marquette Mac Vu Cart Based ECG. Packaging/cra... 2. For Sale BIOSOUND PA230-E Ultrasound Transducer AUCTION This auction is for a Biosound PA230-E Phased Array Probe/Transducer. P... 3. For Sale CRYOGEN HER option Cryosurgical Unit AUCTION This auction is for a CryoGen HER Option Cryosurgical Unit. Packaging/c... 4. For Sale UNKNOWN 257 ECG Other AUCTION You are bidding on a Mennen Medical Inc 257 ECG. Packaging/crating and ... 5. For Sale UNKNOWN Multiple Surgical Instruments Other AUCTION You are bidding on a large LOT of Surgical Instruments. Packaging/crat... 6. For Sale DATASCOPE Battery Charger Defibrillator AUCTION You are bidding on a Datascope Defribrillator Battery Charger. Packagin... 7. For Sale JVC HR-S85500V Other AUCTION You are bidding on a JVC HR-S85500V HiFi VHS Recorder. Packaging/cratin... 8. For Sale UNKNOWN Pro Med Doro Headrest System Other AUCTION You are bidding on a Pro Med Doro...

Puritan Bennett 840 Respiratory Ventilator

Puritan Bennett 840 Respiratory Ventilator REFURBISHED - The Puritan Bennett® 840™ Ventilator System is responsive to patients and offers superior comfort, delivering sensitive, precise breaths to critically ill neonatal through adult patients. For use in providing neonate through adult patients with ventilatory support in the hospital environment....MORE >> Also Available: Puritan Bennett 760 Ventilator >> See All Respiratory Ventilators >> Amsco 3080 Surgical Table REFURBISHED - The Amsco™ 3080 features a radiolucent top and can be adjusted to Trendelenburg, back, side, foot and flex positions. It comes standard with a remote control for easy patient positioning. One of the most durable, flexible and reliable surgical tables available....MORE >> Also Available: Amsco 3085 SP Surgical Table >> See All Surgical Tables >> GE Ohmeda Aestiva 5 Anesthesia Machine REFURBISHED - A used or refurbished GE Ohmeda Aestiva® 5 is reliable, fully feature...

Special Pricing on the Colin BP-S510

-- esgdivisionmedica.4t.com

Voluntary Recall of Neocate Infant Specialized Formula

Voluntary Recall of Neocate Infant Specialized Formula September 29, 2009 Audience: Pediatric healthcare professionals, pharmacists, caregivers. Nutricia and FDA notified healthcare professionals of the voluntary recall of one lot [# P91877] of the specialized infant formula product, Neocate, a hypoallergenic dry powder formula distributed to pharmacies, health care professionals and consumers nationwide. Due to a one-time blending error, Neocate contained protein levels lower than that declared on the label. Although short-term consumption of product from the affected -- esgdivisionmedica.4t.com

Nine Health and Fitness Apps for Your iPhone

Nine Health and Fitness Apps for Your iPhone Like applications that help you lead a greener, more environmentally friendly lifestyle, applications dedicated to improving your health and fitness are a growing presence on Apple's App Store. Many are free or priced below $5, and the more expensive apps will give you a detailed tour through human anatomy. Here's a list of nine applications that teach you how to lead a healthier existence. -- esgdivisionmedica.4t.com

Magnetocaloric Materials

Our Magnetocaloric Materials will help you in designing novel research systems and devices, which require reversible heating and cooling of their components in a varying magnetic field. Examples include magnetic refrigeration, biomedical and related applications. -- esgdivisionmedica.4t.com

Products of the Month

Welcome to the ESGdm Products of the Month Newsletter featuring information on new and exciting products and technology in Emergency Medical Services. Rescue Randy 9000 The manikin is made from rugged polyethylene. You may add any substance that can be emptied out of the parts. Randy 9000 is perfect for RIT or Combat Challenge, horizontal rescues or lightweight packaging exercises. Randy may be used in any environment. Simulaids Life/form® Pericardiocentesis Simulator Designed specifically to teach the skills needed to perform this difficult procedure correctly, as well as ongoing chest tube maintenance and the management of pre-hospital chest trauma. This simulator has a pressurized tension pneumothorax site and a site for surgical placement of a functional test tube. Nasco AFFORDABLE , AUTOMATED CARBON MONOXIDE PROTECTION. Carry our solid state CO Detector on a first aid kit to every call. Be safe, Catch CO every time. LESS THAN $100.00 PER YEAR TOTAL COST. EMS Expo Booth #2316 A...

ahora su empresa puede lograr mayores beneficios

Estimados amigos: En MAS IDEAS Usted encontrará desde una tarjeta personal, hasta la más extensa campaña de mercadotecnia. Para su EMPRESA y su negocio MAS IDEAS le diseña lo que Usted se imagina y más; anuncios publicitarios, catálogos, folletos, posters, papelería, revistas, empaques y todo para su negocio. Sus ideas se plasman al papel, la pluma o cualquier objeto imaginable utilizando maquinaria especializada, las mejores tintas y en cualquier proceso: Offset, Process,, Digital, Plotter, Termograbado o Láser . Controlamos la calidad desde el diseño hasta el terminado final y actualmente contamos con el equipo necesario para cubrir sus necesidades de Formas Continuas. Contamos ademas con 2 tipos de plotters para realzar su imagen EN GRAN FORMATO . Para que su EMPRESA llegue directa y efectivamente a quien quiere llegar se desarrollan exitosos eventos sociales como: Cocktails, desfiles de moda, premiaciones...

ahora su empresa puede lograr mayores beneficios

Estimados amigos: En MAS IDEAS Usted encontrará desde una tarjeta personal, hasta la más extensa campaña de mercadotecnia. Para su EMPRESA y su negocio MAS IDEAS le diseña lo que Usted se imagina y más; anuncios publicitarios, catálogos, folletos, posters, papelería, revistas, empaques y todo para su negocio. Sus ideas se plasman al papel, la pluma o cualquier objeto imaginable utilizando maquinaria especializada, las mejores tintas y en cualquier proceso: Offset, Process,, Digital, Plotter, Termograbado o Láser . Controlamos la calidad desde el diseño hasta el terminado final y actualmente contamos con el equipo necesario para cubrir sus necesidades de Formas Continuas. Contamos ademas con 2 tipos de plotters para realzar su imagen EN GRAN FORMATO . Para que su EMPRESA llegue directa y efectivamente a quien quiere llegar se desarrollan exitosos eventos sociales como: Cocktails, desfiles de moda, premiaciones...

servicio social: urgente

Solicitamos su ayuda para donar sangre en el Hospital ABC de observatorio, habitación 217. De antemano les agradecemos su colaboración. Todá Rabá -- esgdivisionmedica.4t.com

anuncio clasificado de LABORATORIO MEDICO VIGA

Estimados amigos: Encontre un anuncio publicado en fororevista.com que pienso que podria ser de tu interes Oprime en el siguiente enlace para ver los detalles: http://fororevista.com/bin/suite/clasificados/index.cgi?request=detail&website=default&id=10361 anuncio clasificado de laboratorio médico viga. eusebio s. garduño esgdivisionmedica@gmail.com P.D. Quiere su anuncio así? Llámenos o escribanos y nosotros se lo publicamos. -- esgdivisionmedica.4t.com


Le damos la bienvenida en internet a: LABORATORIO MEDICO VIGA Por su nueva página de internet, desarrollada por ESGdm. Muchas felicidades! Visitenla hoy mismo: http://laboratoriomedicoviga.4t.com/ -- esgdivisionmedica.4t.com

Anúnciate gratis!

-- esgdivisionmedica.4t.com

anúnciate con nosotros y llegarás al corazón de la comunidad!

-- esgdivisionmedica.4t.com

El té de albahaca es útil para las nauseas

Salud Alternativa El té de albahaca es útil para las nauseas Con la albahaca que usas para cocinar, prepara un té de la hierba seca para tratar la nauseas. -- esgdivisionmedica.4t.com

20% Off* Clearance Items only from ESGdm

-- esgdivisionmedica.4t.com

Google Sync: Now with push Gmail support

-- esgdivisionmedica.4t.com

anúnciate en el festival de cine

Apreciables amigos: Festival Internacional de Cine Judío nuevamente dejo marcada la escena cultural de la ciudad de México. En su sexta edición, FICJ como parte importante de promoción pre-festival realizó por segunda ocasión un especial televisivo en conjunto con Canal 22 denominado "Lo mejor del Festival de Cine Judío – México" , logrando una audiencia de mas de un millón de televidentes* con la transmisión de cuatro películas en horario AAA. Asimismo, durante el festival se presentaron veinticinco programas, incluyendo un ciclo de " 60 Años de Cine Israelí " y dos mesas redondas, ambos recibidos muy positivamente por los más de diez mil asistentes durante las dos semanas del evento. Esta próxima sèptima edición marca el inicio del plan a cinco años para itinerar por las ciudades más importantes de la república mexicana. Durante el 2009 se planea llegar además de la Ciudad de México a Guadalajara, Monterrey y Cancún ....

la primera expo para controlar tu peso

Octubre 2009 Estimado Expositor: El CENTRO DE ATENCION INTEGRAL A TRANSTORNOS DE LA ALIMENTACION Y PADECIMIENTOS ASOCIADOS, AC , se complarce en hacerle una atenta y formal invitación a EXPO CONTROLA TU PESO a llevarse a cabo los días 27 y 28 de febrero del 2010 en CENTRO BANAMEX de la Ciudad de México. El CAITAPA es una asociación civil sin fines de lucro, cuyo objeto principal es: " dedicar sus esfuerzos en acercar y dar a la población en general alternativas serias para el control del sobrepeso, la obesidad y sus padecimientos asociados ", es por eso que realizamos la primer exposición de control de peso dándonos a la tarea de convocar patrocinadores y expositores relacionados con algún interés en los mismos. EXPO CONTROLA TU PESO , tiene como misión: "vincular a la población de todas las edades y niveles socioeconómicos con sobrepeso, obesidad o alguno de sus padecimientos asociados con alternativas confiables y prof...

DRE Premier Veterinary Anesthesia Machine

Patient Ready! DRE Premier Veterinary Anesthesia Machine The DRE Premier Anesthesia Machine is perfect for short veterinary procedures including spaying, neutering, dental procedures, emergency, and pre-op induction areas. Features include 0.1 to 0.4 oxygen flowmeter with rotary float; designed to use Penlon, Ohio, Ohmeda™ Tech 3 or Drager™ 19.1 Vaporizers; and all moving parts are replaceable chrome-plated brass (no plastic)... MORE >> See All Anesthesia Machines >> Special Show Pricing! Limited Availability! Baxter 6201 IV Pump CERTIFIED REFURBISHED - Features include pre-programmable, configurable capabilities; pumps a wide variety of fluids, including blood and fat emulsions; suitable for use in epidural administration; safety clamp automatically occludes the tubing when the pump door is opened; easily replaceable fuse, battery, and power cord ... MORE >> See All Infusion Pumps >> Special Show Pricing! Limited Availability! Baxter AS50 Syringe Pump CERTIFIED...

Promoción en equipos reconstruidos

-- esgdivisionmedica.4t.com

¡Ahora ESGdm está en Facebook y en Twitter!

¡Ahora ESGdm está en Facebook y en Twitter! En Facebook Para hacerte fan de ESGdm en Facebook y enterarte primero que nadie de los nuevos medicamentos, materiales & equipos médicos, ingresa aquí: http://es-la.facebook.com/people/Esg-Division-Medica/820983630 ? En Twitter Para recibir las novedades al instante en Twitter, visita nuestra página allí: http://twitter.com/esgdm -- esgdivisionmedica.4t.com

A Professional Guide to Purchasing Used Medical Equipment

A Professional Guide to Purchasing Used Medical Equipment Buying tips for over 200 medical devices ! Are you hospital administrator, department head, or otherwise involved in the purchasing of medical equipment? Would like to get the most out of your used medical equipment purchases? A Professional Guide to Purchasing Used Medical Equipment is specifically geared at educating individuals responsible for purchasing used medical equipment with the elements that they need to be aware of, prior to making purchases. The guide is being distributed by.ESGdm, the leading online marketplace for buying and selling used medical equipment. The site, which has received acclaim for its innovative tools aimed at facilitating the online trade of used medical equipment, developed this guide in response to the countless requests that they received from buyers seeking their professional buying assistance and advice. The guide is the result of extensive research and conclusions conducted by ESGdm and its...

Lo mejor del FICJ en Canal 22

Lo mejor del FICJ en Canal 22 Como preámbulo del 7º FICJ una vez más no te pierdas el ciclo "Lo Mejor de FICJ" en Canal 22 los sábados a las 22:00 Hrs., con las mejores películas de festivales anteriores. En esta ocasión la programación que podrás disfrutar es: Momento De Decisión Septiembre 26 Santa Clara Octubre 3 Los Comediantes Armónicos Octubre 10 Una Canción De Amor y Muerte Octubre 17 Estas son películas especialmente seleccionadas para recordar festivales anteriores. ¡Sintoniza el Canal 22 y revive los mejores momentos! -- esgdivisionmedica.4t.com

Siemens Special Procedure Room

Dear costumer, We're fortunate to have the following SIX Siemens Special Procedure Rooms for sale via auction on ESGdm this week. In additon to these rooms, we've been adding new items daily from hospitals, as well as expanding the Med1Online Liquidation. Click here to see all of our featured auctions, or read on for more info on these Special Procedure Rooms: The systems listed below are all still installed at hospitals. They range in age from 1988 to 2001. Auction #9876: 2000 SIEMENS COROSKOP H.I.P CATH LAB. The X-Ray tube is Megalix 125/30/82 -120 GW replaced in 2004. There is a Polydoros IS-C Generator and Koordinat M Table. This special procedure room comes with a Coroskop H.I.P C-Arm. Hicor & Acom-M are also included with this system. Auction #9874: 1994 SIEMENS COROSKOP HS CATH LAB. The X-Ray tube is Megalix 125/30/82 -120 GW replaced in 2006. There is a Polydoros IS-C Generator and Koordinat U Table. This special procedure room comes with a Coroskop HS-ASC C-Arm. Hi...

Save $25 Off Your Order* only from ESGdm

-- esgdivisionmedica.4t.com

Save Up to 40% Off Dickies Scrubs only from ESGdm

-- esgdivisionmedica.4t.com


ONLY $249.00! Siemens Servo 900C Maintenance Kits -- esgdivisionmedica.4t.com

Boxed Warning for Promethazine Hydrochloride Injection

Boxed Warning for Promethazine Hydrochloride Injection September 16, 2009 Audience: All healthcare professionals. FDA notified healthcare professionals that a Boxed Warning is being added to the prescribing information for Promethazine Hydrochloride products, describing the risks of severe tissue injury, including gangrene, requiring amputation following intravenous administration of promethazine. The Boxed Warning will remind practitioners that due to the risks of intravenous injection, the preferred route of administration is deep intramuscular injection... -- esgdivisionmedica.4t.com

For Sale INTERMEDICS 522-12 Portable Pacemaker AUCTION

1. For Sale INTERMEDICS 522-12 Portable Pacemaker AUCTION You are bidding on a Intermedics 522-12 Portable Cardiac Monitor. Packa... 2. For Sale KODAK X-OMat 5000RA Film Processor AUCTION You are bidding on Kodak X-OMat 5000RA X-Ray. Packaging/crating and shi... 3. For Sale GE 46-270212-P1HPR50 Other AUCTION You are bidding on a GE Reel-To-Reel Video Player 46-270212-P1HPR50. Pa... 4. For Sale TOSHIBA 1400S Series Power Supply AUCTION You are bidding on a Toshiba 1400S Series Uninterrupted Power Supply Box... MEDRAD Multi Vendor Service Provides First-Rate Repair on Transducers 5. For Sale ASPEN LABS Excalibur 60-5200-00 Electrosurgical Unit AUCTION You are bidding on a Aspen Labs Excalibur 60-5200-00 Electrosurgical Uni... 6. For Sale KODAK X-OMat 3000RA Film Processor AUCTION You are bidding on a Kodak X-OMat 3000RA Film Processor. Packaging/crat... 7. For Sale BLU-RAY MKV BXR Mark V Film Film Processor AUCTION You are bidding on a LOT of 3 Blu-Ray Photo Processors. Pac...

25% Off Entire Stock of Nu Dimension Scrubs

-- esgdivisionmedica.4t.com

shaná tová

http://www.care2.com/send/preview/1258-71084-19008-7721 -- esgdivisionmedica.4t.com

Descubra lo que LabVIEW puede hacer por sus aplicaciones de prueba, control y diseño embebido.

Descubra lo que LabVIEW puede hacer por sus aplicaciones de prueba, control y diseño embebido. Con LabVIEW, ingenieros, médicos y científicos pueden adquirir y generar señales del mundo real, analizar datos para obtener información significativa, desarrollar sistemas embebidos y autónomos, y compartir resultados con indicadores, reportes y la Web. Vea este Seminario web para aprender los fundamentos de la programación gráfica y descubrir cómo LabVIEW puede beneficiar sus aplicaciones al proveer adquisición de datos y generación de señales, análisis y procesamiento de señales, conectividad con hardware y software de terceros e implementación a nivel computadora de escritorio, sistemas embebidos e industriales. -- esgdivisionmedica.4t.com

Save your Summer Memories

Save your Summer Memories Share more vacation memories and photos when you upgrade your site. For as little as $12 per month, you get: Room for more pages, files and photos Faster uploads through FTP Fresh new page templates, layouts and designs Get all of these great features when you upgrade today! Click on the button below or login into your member area and select "Upgrade your Site" -- esgdivisionmedica.4t.com

For Sale FUJI sig GP O/R Instrument AUCTION

1. For Sale FUJI sig GP O/R Instrument AUCTION This auction is for a Fuji Sig GP Surgical Scope. S/n:961281 Packaging... 2. For Sale UNKNOWN Lights, Rack, and Trays Other AUCTION You are bidding on a LOT of (2) Lights, Metal Rack and 6 Stainless Steri... 3. For Sale HILL-ROM 8050 Stretcher AUCTION You are bidding on a HILL-ROM 8050 Birthing Stretcher. Packaging/cratin... 4. For Sale OTHER Unknown Camera Other AUCTION You are bidding on an unknown motorized camera. Packaging/crating and s... Meet Over 100 Directors of Radiology this Fall! Attend HCP's Radiology & Imaging Conference and "Reverse Trade Show" -- Tampa, FL, Sept. 23-25. Meet high-value prospects in a friendly setting. Do more business, make more sales. Call 727-789-9182 5. For Sale HEWLETT PACKARD M1722A Defibrillator AUCTION This auction is for a Hewlett Packard CodeMaster XL+. Model number M1722... 6. For Sale HEMOCHRON HemoCue beta-glucose Blood Bank AUCTION This auction is for a LOT of 3 B-...

Rumor: Monitor cardiaco para iPod de Nike

Rumor: Monitor cardiaco para iPod de Nike Posted: 11 Sep 2009 07:44 AM PDT El nuevo iPod nano incluye un sensor, un podómetro que se puede usar con el sensor que vende junto a Nike para usar el sistema Nike+. Actualmente Nike tiene un sensor para iPod y el Nike+ SportBand que hace exactamente lo mismo pero sin ser un iPod y evidentemente, sin reproducir música. Nike estaría por sacar un tercer accesorio para deportistas, un monitor cardiaco que serviría como complemento al sensor actual Nike+, que solo sirve para controlar kilómetros que se hace corriendo, pero por ejemplo, si haces deporte en un gimnasio no hay forma de contabilizar todos los datos de tu ejercicio. En realidad, actualmente existen unos pocas maquinas en gimnasios que incluyen un adaptador cardiaco y un cable que se conecta a un iPod o a un iPhone 3GS (que es compatible), pero son muy pocos y por ahora nunca he visto uno ni en fotografía.

What's Up?

What's Up? We have a new glass labret retainer from Gorilla Glass and 23 new single flare stone plugs from Oracle. The Bamboo Eyelets and Bamboo Plugs from Diablo Organics were restocked this week. Also, see below for our new $25 discount drawings being held in our forums and on twitter. New Stuff This Week New Gorilla Glass Labret Retainers The new Gorilla Glass labret retainers are available in 18 gauge through 8 gauge. This new style has a flat disk back and a small bump on the other end to keep the o-ring in place. Oracle Single Flare Stone Plugs The Oracle single flared plugs in black onyx, carnelian agate, opalite, and yellow tiger's eye have all been restocked. All 23 other stone types of these single flare plugs with a cabochon front are now available for pre-order. Or you can submit a "Email Me When In Stock!" request and we'll let you know when they get restocked. We're going to be stocking these new Oracle single flared plugs in the order of the mat...

Dysfunctional ideas are a result of, rather than the cause of, psychogenic erectile dysfunction in heterosexual men - International Journal of STD & AIDS

Dysfunctional ideas are a result of, rather than the cause of, psychogenic erectile dysfunction in heterosexual men - International Journal of STD & AIDS DClinPsych ACEB et al. – The authors sought to establish whether holding dysfunctional beliefs is a psychological predisposing factor for those with psychogenic ED. A total of 91 men completed measures to establish their sexual functioning and beliefs in a number of suggested MM. Individuals with organic and psychogenic ED did not differ in their level of belief in MM but both groups differed significantly from controls. The results suggest that subscribing to MMs is a result, not the cause, of psychogenic ED....


-- Padece artritis? dolor, fatiga, rigidez, deformación, osteoporosis, obesidad: artritistratamientoefectivo.4t.com Apoya al festival de cine! esgdivisionmedica.4t.com/favorite_links.html

FDA Informs Pharmacists of Stolen Dey Labeled Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution

FDA Informs Pharmacists of Stolen Dey Labeled Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution September 10, 2009 Audience: Pharmacists and pharmacy organizations. FDA notified pharmacists that two complete Lots (9FE2 and 9G01) containing 35,760 cartons of Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution, 0.083%, unit-dose vials was stolen in Texas on or about August 6, 2009. These two Lot numbers were not available commercially prior to the theft. All of the product cartons in these two Lots were stolen. Therefore, no vial or carton of either Lot is part of the legitimate pharmaceutical supply chain.

Coming available soon….

Coming available soon…. (2) Logiq 9's (waiting for configuration) (1) Vivid 3 REV 1.4 (Dicom, No Stress) w/ Cardiac and Linear GE Voluson 730 Expert BT08 MFG: 2007 GE Voluson 730 Expert BT08 MFG: 2006 Vivid 7 BT08 LCD Monitor – (MFG 2006) Vivid 7 BT08 CRT Monitor – (MFG 2006) Siemens Antares (MFG: 2007) Premium Edition REV. 5.0 w/ 4D ATL HDI 3000 – package of six units available Medison V10 (MFG: 2008-2009) - Like New in the original box Toshiba SSA660A Xario XV (Rev. 5.0) MFG: 2005 – Cardiac/OB/Vasc

Philips BV Pulsera C-Arm

We have a rare find up for Auction on ESGdm this week: a New Philips BV Pulsera C-Arm. This unit comes with a 1 Year Factory Warranty and is a great deal for the right buyer. This C-Arm was originally delivered to a facility but was never installed. It's currently deinstalled and in storage in Canada. It comes with 3D Rotation and 3D Reconstruction as well as a 12" II with an orthopedic and cardiac package. It offers a choice of X-Ray and imaging functionality, as well as a variety of options and accessories.

medical equipment

Dear Doctor : Have a nice day. This is ESG the products executive from ESG DIVISION MEDIC@ We ESGdm is a leading professional supplier and exporter for medical equipments in MEXICO. We take great efforts to provide a broad range of high quality products and services to the clients.All of our products have been ISO90001:2000 &ISO13485 approved and most of our products have been CE or FDA certificated. We always follow the rules:High quality of our products&considerate service is the life of our company. Our products include: 1. Clinical Lab *Biochemistry Analyzer *CLIA Analyze * Coagulometer * ESR Analyzer * Electrolyte Analyzer * Hematology Analyzer * Lab Water Purification Machine * Microplate Reader * Microplate Washer *Biological Safety Cabinet 2. Dentistry * Integral Dental Unit * Dental X-ray Machine 3. Optics *Biological Microscope *Slit Lamp *Ophthalmic &Orthopedic Microscope *Orthopedic Surgical Microscope *Ophthalmic,E.N.T.&Neurological Microscope *Ophthalmic...

Masterflex(R) L/S(R) Standard Digital Drives

Featured Products Masterflex® L/S® Standard Digital Drives Precision pump drive features a maintenance-free high-accuracy motor and a new graphical interface for easy setup and operation Brushless motor offers 0.1% speed control accuracy with a 6000 to 1 turndown Remote control capabilities include scaleable speed control input, start/stop/prime, motor direction, and tachometer output Dispense by volume, time, or copy; cumulative volume function totalizes volume dispensed over multiple batches Flow rates from 0.006 to 3400 mL/min with Masterflex L/S pump tubing See our Complete Standard Digital Pump Systems Masterflex® L/S® Digital Process Drive 316 stainless steel housing is NEMA 4X and IP66 rated for washdown applications Brushless motor offers ±0.1% speed control accuracy with a 6000 to 1 turndown Remote control capabilities include scaleable speed control input, start/stop/prime, motor direction, and tachometer output Dispense by volume, time, or copy; cumul...

Salix Receives FDA Marketing Approval for Metozolv ODT (Orally Disintegrating Tablets) for Relief of Diabetic Gastroparesis and Symptomatic Documented GERD

Salix Receives FDA Marketing Approval for Metozolv ODT (Orally Disintegrating Tablets) for Relief of Diabetic Gastroparesis and Symptomatic Documented GERD September 8, 2009 RALEIGH, N.C.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Salix Pharmaceuticals, Ltd. today announced the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted marketing approval for Metozolv ODT (metoclopramide HCl) 5mg and 10mg orally disintegrating tablets. Metozolv ODT is indicated for the relief of symptoms in adults associated with acute and recurrent diabetic gastroparesis and for the treatment of short-term therapy (4-12 weeks) for adults with symptomatic documented gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) who fail


"ESCUCHAR ANTES DE HABLAR" Newsletter # 404 ¿Te ponen incómodo las pausas dentro de las conversaciones? ¿Te pones impaciente cuando la gente no va directo al grano? ¿Escuchas con un cerebro, mientras el otro está pensando como va a contestar? ¿Esperas con ansiedad un silencio, para entrar en la conversación? ¿Interrumpes antes de que el otro termine la idea porque ya sabes lo que va a decir? Dices si, si entiendo, mientras el otro habla como para que deje de hablar como dando a entender que ya le comprendiste y que no siga? ¿Repites las últimas palabras de tu interlocutor? ¿No miras a la otra persona a los ojos? ¿Te consideras un multitasking y mientras el otro habla haces cosas, como para no perder el tiempo? -- Padece artritis? dolor, fatiga, rigidez, deformación, osteoporosis, obesidad: artritistratamientoefectivo.4t.com Apoya al festival de cine! esgdivisionmedica.4t.com/favorite_links.html

Update: FDA Warns Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) Blockers May Increase Cancer Risk

Update: FDA Warns Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) Blockers May Increase Cancer Risk August 31, 2009 Audience: Rheumatologists, gastroenterologists, oncologists, dermatologists. [UPDATED 08/31/2009] Supplemental Q&As added [Posted 08/04/2009] FDA notified healthcare professionals that it has completed its analysis of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) blockers and has concluded that there is an increased risk of lymphoma and other cancers associated with the use of these drugs in children and adolescents. This new safety information is now being added to the Boxed Warning for these products.

New Drug Approvals

New Drug Approvals The following drugs have recently been approved by the FDA. Zenpep (pancrealipase) Capsules Date of Approval: August 27, 2009 Treatment for: Pancreatic Exocrine Dysfunction Zenpep Drug Information | Press Release Sabril (vigabatrin) Tablets and Oral Solution Date of Approval: August 21, 2009 Treatment for: Epilepsy, Seizures Sabril Drug Information | Press Release Hiberix (Haemophilus b Conjugate Vaccine (Tetanus Toxoid Conjugate)) Solution for Intramuscular Injection Date of Approval: August 19, 2009 Treatment for: Haemophilus influenzae Prophylaxis Hiberix Drug Information | Press Release Saphris (asenapine) Sublingual Tablets Date of Approval: August 13, 2009 Treatment for: Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder Saphris Drug Information | Press Release Embeda (morphine sulfate and naltrexone hydrochloride) Extended Release Capsules Date of Approval: August 13, 2009 Treatment for: Pain Embeda Drug Information | Press Release Livalo (pitavastatin) Tablets Date of Approval:...

La cebada y sus beneficios

Salud Alternativa La cebada y sus beneficios La cebada considerada durante mucho tiempo como una medicina para el corazón en el Medio Oriente. Reduce los niveles de colesterol y contiene antioxidantes que pueden ayudar a evitar el cáncer.

Equipment, Auction & Parts Alerts (prices only for suscribers)

1. For Sale LIFEPAK LIFEPAK 9 Defibrillator AUCTION GENERAL FACTORY SPECIFICS AND INFORMATION FROM WEBSITE: THIS INFORMATIO... 2. For Sale LIFEPAK LIFEPAK 9 Defibrillator AUCTION GENERAL FACTORY SPECIFICS AND INFORMATION FROM WEBSITE: THIS INFORMATIO... 3. TOSHIBA Other EXTRA LARGE BODY COI Parts For Sale 4. PICKER O/R Light 1.0T Head Coil Elect Parts For Sale 5. PICKER O/R Light 1.0T Volume Neck Coi Parts For Sale 6. PHILIPS Other ACCUATOR LOCK ASY Parts For Sale 7. For Sale LINVATEC LINVATEC MODEL IM-3300 O/R Camera linvatec MODEL IM-3300,3ccd camara w/console,keyboard and camara head-co... 8. For Sale LINVATEC CONMED IM3300 O/R Camera Conmed Linvatec.model IM3300(3ccd),camara w/console,keyboard and camara ... 9. For Sale STRYKER 4100-125 Pin Collet O/R Instrument Stryker 4100-125 Pin Collet For use with Stryker Cordless Driver REF 41... 10. For Sale STRYKER Core Impaction Drill 5400-300 O/R Instrument Stryker Core Impaction Drill 5400-300 Like New Condition! Please feel ...

Cajas de plástico, armadora de cajas, cabrestantes

ESGdm le trae las últimas novedades del sector. En esta ocasión le presentamos unas eficientes puertas rápidas para su bodega, cajas de plástico reutilizables, una armadora de cajas de cartón, y servicio de impresión de etiquetas de código de barras. Además, conozca un software para administrar los transportes de su empresa, servicio trasvase, horquillas pesadoras para montacargas y cabrestantes. Si desea consultar más productos y empresas, le invitamos a visitar nuestro directorio esgdivisionmedica.4t.com y encuentre lo que busca de forma fácil, rápida y directa.

El ajo es muy bueno para la hipertensión

Salud Alternativa El ajo es muy bueno para la hipertensión El ajo(Allium sativum) reduce el colesterol de la sangre, dilata las arterias y previene la formación de trombos en las mismas. De manera que ayuda a reducir la hipertensión. Se recomienda comerlo crudo o tomar capsulas de ajo, un ajo diario durante un periodo de tiempo determinado ayudaría a bajar la hipertensión.

Technion Scientists Create Breath Test for Cancer Detection

1. Technion Scientists Create Breath Test for Cancer Detection by Maayana Miskin Scientists at the Technion in Haifa have created a device that they hope will be able to detect cancer with a simple breath test. In an initial trial, the "breathalyzer" test was able to detect lung cancer with 86 percent accuracy. The new device was revealed this week in the journal Nature Nanotechnology. Researchers hope the test will provide a simple, cost-effective and non-invasive method of detecting cancer. In addition, the test is capable of detecting cancers that are not yet large enough to show up on X-rays or CT scans, allowing for earlier diagnosis that could save lives. The system works by testing for chemicals that tend to be present in lungs affected by cancer but not in healthy lungs. The Technion team decided to test for four such chemicals: ethylbenzene, decane, heptanol and trimethylbenzene. Patients' breath is sent over a circuit made of silicon embedded with gold nanoparti...


New Applications and Solutions NMR Data Collection of High-Quality Metabolomics Made Easy Collecting high-quality metabolomics data requires strong probe performance in a wide variety of areas. Historically, no single probe design could deliver all the necessary specifications simultaneously, leading to significant compromise on some stages of the experimental results. By combining excellent lineshape performance, superior B1 field homogeneity and outstanding salt tolerance into a single nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) probe head, the revolutionary Varian OneNMRTM Probe is better suited to the demanding task of metabolomic analysis than any other conventional probe design. Read more Send me more information up Stretching GC Limits with a True Six-Channel Solution for the Analysis of Impurities in Ethylene A high purity ethylene is used in certain manufacturing processes, like polymer production. Trace amounts of certain hydrocarbons or other gases, like oxygen, can have deleteriou...

precios express

Ya está disponible la lista de precios de septiembre del 2009, con nuevos productos y grandes descuentos. Solicitela hoy mismo! esgdm@axtel.net