Spray Vitamins Ingredients and their uses

Spray Vitamins Ingredients and their uses

A nutrient which has shown exceptional promise for maintaining brain
health and preserving memory. Acetyl-L-carnitine is derived from the
natural substance L-carnitine. It is structurally similar to the brain
neurotransmitter acetylcholine and has a similar action in the brain.

A sweet herb that is reported to clean toxins from the system, lower
cholesterol, control bleeding and stimulate the appetite.

Arginine (L-arginine)
An amino acid which has a role in boosting the immune system. Arginine
also exerts a marked effect on several endocrine hormones, thereby
playing a role in muscle growth and male fertility.

Ascorbic Acid - Vitamin C
The human body is unable to manufacture its own vitamin C so it has to
be obtained by supplementation or through the diet. Marginal
deficiency is common, especially in the elderly. Vitamin C is an
anti-oxidant, it also functions in the manufacture of collagen which
is the major protein found in the human body.

Bee Propolis
A resinous material that bees make from parts of plants that are rich
in bioflavonoids. Propolis is believed to have immune system enhancing
properties. (Warning - can cause allergic reaction).

In Europe, bilberry extract has become part of the conventional
medical treatment for many eye disorders.

Originally known as Vitamin P. Bioflavonoids have anti-oxidant
properties in addition to helping sustain the properties of vitamin C.
They come from the leaves, flowers, and stems of plants and at least
500 different bioflavonoids are known. They are believed to strengthen
blood vessels and prevent bleeding disorders in addition to having
anti-allergy, anti-inflammatory, and anti-viral activity.

Vitamin H - a water soluble B vitamin which has been linked to the
growth of healthy hair and the prevention of graying and baldness.
Deficiency symptoms include dermatitis, depression, pain, and
weakness. Deficiency can occur when taking antibiotics or sulfonamides

Blue Cohosh
The root of a perennial wildflower. Used by native Americans and early
settlers for the treatment of urinary infections, abdominal cramps,
menstrual problems, and uterine diseases. Caution - avoid during

An important trace mineral useful in the prevention of osteoporosis
and arthritis.

The root has been used traditionally in the treatment of skin diseases
and inflammation due to chronic toxicity (e.g. eczema, psoriasis,
rheumatism, gout). Also used in Chinese medicine for the treatment of
colds and throat infections.

A major constituent of bones and teeth. A constant supply of calcium
is required for countless bodily functions, including the conduction
of nerve impulses, muscle contraction (including heart beat), energy
production, and immune function. Many groups are at risk from marginal
calcium deficiency - as we age there is increasing difficulty in
absorbing calcium from the intestines.

Essential for the conversion of fat into energy. Symptoms of
L-carnitine deficiency (which may be genetic in origin) can include
muscle weakness, confusion, and angina. May protect against
cardiovascular disease by increasing tolerance to exercise and
reducing total blood lipids.

Can be converted into vitamin A as needed, but also acts as an
anti-oxidant and immune system booster.

Anti-diarrheal, anti-spasmodic, carminative, and gentle nerve tonic
for release of tension.

Regarded by herbalists as a pure and safe stimulant. Stimulates blood
flow to all parts of the body, producing natural warmth. Aids
circulation in the elderly.

Ancient English remedy for chronic skin conditions, e.g. boils and
painful eruptions. Soothes itchy skin.

Recently classified as a nutrient essential to life. Choline is a
precursor for phospholipids which are the primary constituents of cell
membranes, and acetylcholine, which is an important neurotransmitter
involved in memory storage and muscle control.

Essential to human life. Required for normal glucose metabolism.
Deficiency results in a diabetes-like syndrome. Chromium levels
decline with age.

Co-Enzyme Q10
Found in all living cells, coenzyme Q10 helps in the production of
energy from fats and carbohydrates. Deficiency can occur in older
people and those with heart disease. Coenzyme Q10 has been used to aid
in the treatment of angina and congestive heart failure.

Corn Syrup Glucose
Glucose rapidly raises blood sugar, stimulating the release of insulin
and providing an immediate burst of energy.

Cramp Bark
Acts as an anti-spasmodic and a nerve and muscle relaxant.

Cyanocobalamin (B12)
Vitamin B12 is essential for the formation of red blood cells which
transport energy-giving oxygen throughout the body. Also involved in
the production of myelin and the association between B12 deficiency
and impaired nervous system function is well established.

Amino acid. Major constituent of protein.

Stimulating to the central nervous system and reproductive organs.

Dehydroepiandrosterone is a hormone made by the adrenal glands.
Production of DHEA peaks about age 25 and then declines. DHEA has
complex roles in health and disease, and has been shown to decrease
the production of fat.

OTC motion sickness remedy.

A mild analgesic, blood purifier and circulatory stimulant.

Echinacea purpurea
A herb with exceptional antimicrobial and antiseptic action. Acts by
stimulating the immune system through raising the white blood cell
count. Can activate the body's natural defenses.

Evening Primrose Oil
Rich source of the essential fatty acid, gamma-linolenic acid.
Essential fatty acids are transformed into regulatory compounds called
prostaglandins which are involved in a host of processes.

Fennel (herb)
An aid to the digestive systemAn anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulent.
Can also aid the digestive system.

Key uses are for headaches, fever, and inflammation.

Flax seed oil
Nature's richest source of omega-3 oils which are essential fatty
acids required for countless bodily functions.

Folic Acid
The most under-rated vitamin. It helps manufacture red blood cells and
genetic material. All women of childbearing age should get at least
400 mcg per day to help prevent brain and spinal cord defects in
newborns. Diets low in folic acid are also linked to high levels of
homocysteine, a substance associated with heart disease. Getting
enough of this vitamin is the number one reason to take a supplement.

The potential power of garlic is legendary - helping to lower
cholesterol and triglycerides, reducing blood pressure, and boosting
the immune system.

A common kitchen spice - may help to prevent motion sickness, fight
nausea and diarrhea, and relieve indigestion.

Shown to suppress blood clotting by inhibiting platelet activation
factor. It may help many of the conditions associated with aging: for
example, heart disease, impotence, blindness and memory loss.

"The ultimate tonic". Ginseng may improve stamina, relieve stress, and
boost the immune system.

Glucosamine sulfate
Widely used to alleviate joint pain associated with arthritis.
Research has shown that it can stimulate the production of substances
necessary for proper joint function and repair.

Amino acid which is an essential part of red blood cells. Involved in
energy production and also utilized by the liver to detoxify chemicals
and make them water soluble for excretion.

Used by native Americans as a treatment for sore throat and digestive

Gotu Kola
Used since prehistoric times for wound healing and skin conditions,
such as cellulite and varicose veins.

Grape seed extract
A rich source of proanthocyanidins. The key use is for antioxidant
supplementation. There are extensive reports on the use of the extract
in venous and capillary disorders, including varicose veins, capillary
fragility (easy bruising), and macular degeneration.

Can stimulate the basal metabolic rate, providing energy and assisting
weight loss.

Natural, high energy, soothing, sweetener.

A long history in herbal healing as a sedative and digestive aid.

Hydroxy-Citric Acid
Thermogenic compound which can improve the conversion of fat into energy.

Functions with choline as a primary constituent of cell membranes. A
lipotropic - exporting fat from the liver. Required for normal brain,
nerve, and muscle function.

Amino acid needed for hemoglobin formation. Also stabilizes and
regulates blood sugar and energy levels.

Kava Kava
Relative of the pepper. Used in Europe for the treatment of anxiety,
nervousness, and restlessness.

Rich source of isoflavones. Used for colds and muscular tension.

An important constituent of the cell membrane. Also involved with fat
and cholesterol transport, and may help short term memory.

Essential amino acid. Stimulates protein synthesis in muscle, and may
trigger insulin release.

Licorice root
Used both for flavor and its herbal properties. Often added to
mouthwashes to prevent plaque growth and as an anti-inflammatory. Can
stimulate mucus production.

A powerful carotenoid which is associated with prevention of age
related macular degeneration.

Essential amino acid that can boost the immune system.

Mineral nutrient. The body contains 20-28 g in bone, muscle and teeth.
Essential for normal calcium metabolism, cardiovascular and muscle

A warming, sedative herb. Can lower blood pressure and relieve pain.

Ma Huang
Thermogenic, metabolic enhancer. Used in many weight-loss aids.

Trace mineral. Required for normal brain and muscle function, building
bones and blood clotting.

Marshmallow root
Used in folk medicine to decrease inflammation.

Produced by the pineal gland in the dark, hence its use in promoting
sleep and overcoming jet lag. When released into the blood, melatonin
helps to coordinate hormonal activity within the nervous system.

An essential amino acid. Plays many roles in cellular proteins,
hormones, and neurotransmitters.

MSM. A naturally occurring organic Sulfur compound found in most
unprocessed fresh food. The body needs MSM for healthy cell repair, to
enhance its immune system and to resist allergies and parasites.

Vitamin B3. Required for the production of energy from fat,
carbohydrate and protein. Severe niacin deficiency can result in a
serious disease called pellagra.

A tranquilizing herb, said to improve athletic performance.

Closely related to garlic. Has antibiotic properties and is effective
against fungi, bacteria, and parasites.

Pantothenic Acid
Vitamin B5. The name is derived from the Greek for "everywhere" due to
its wide distribution. Pivotal role in the production of energy. Has
been suggested to increase athletic performance, speed wound healing,
and boost the immune system.

Used in herbal medicine to help the liver and as an antimicrobial.

Mild sedative and analgesic.

Digestive aid. Can also improve blood flow to the extremities.

Essential amino acid. Incorporated into brain proteins, causing claims
that it can increase alertness and diminish pain.

A major phospholipid which help the structure of brain cells. Low
levels are associated with impaired mental function.

Major mineral found in bones and teeth. Second to calcium in abundance
in the body. Deficiency results in loss of appetite, weakness and

Essential for nerve and muscle function. Helps maintain fluid and
electrolyte balance within cells.

A group of plant flavonoids. Obtained from grape seed and pine bark,
these compounds are extremely potent anti-oxidants.

Amino acid. Predominant constituent of collagen (a connective tissue protein).

Vitamin B6. Required for the production of amino acids, for the
support of a healthy immune system, and for nerve

A bioflavonoid. Can function as an anti-oxidant. Together with vitamin
C can strengthen fragile capillaries and connective tissue.

Antispasmodic and expectorant.

Rose hips
Rich source of vitamin C and bioflavonoids.

An herb. Contains substances which can stimulate the digestive tract
and help with fat digestion.

An herb. Has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

Sarsaparilla root
An herb. Used as a tonic by native Americans.

Saw Palmetto berry
The berry of a palm tree. Used as a tonic, and to treat enlarged
prostate, and genito-urinary tract imbalances.

Schisandra Berry
Used in Chinese medicine for its liver-protective effects.

A key anti-oxidant as part of the powerful enzyme, glutathione
peroxidase. Acts against molecules that may cause heart disease and

An antispasmodic, relaxing, nerve tonic.

Slippery elm bark
A soothing agent for the throat.

A microscopic blue-green alga. Rich source of beta-carotene as well as
protein, minerals, and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

A plant glycoside with natural sweetening properties.

St. Johns Wort
An effective nerve tonic, useful in cases of anxiety, depression and
unrest. Also has antibiotic activity.

Vitamin B1. Essential for energy production by asisting the breakdown
of glucose. Severe deficiency results in beriberi.

Essential amino acid. In addition to its role as a constituent of
protein, threonine may stimulate the thymus gland and support the
immune system.

Trace Minerals
A broad range of minerals required in minute quantities for normal
functioning of the body. Important in enzymatic reactions.

Valerian root
A valued tranquilizer and calmative.

Essential amino acid. May be beneficial to the liver, and in the
rebuilding of muscle after trauma.

Trace mineral. Deficiency in animals results in slow growth and
reproductive difficulties. Some vanadium salts can improve insulin

Vitamin A
Required for a healthy immune system, vision, growth, and reproduction.

Vitamin D
The sunshine vitamin. Essential for calcium uptake, and therefore
required for healthy bones and teeth. Can be converted to calcitrol, a
hormone which affects numerous functions in the body.

Vitamin E
Essential nutrient. Best known for its anti-oxidant properties in
combating free radicals. Free radical damage has been linked to
cancer, heart disease, cataracts, and aging. Vitamin E also plays a
crucial role in boosting the immune system.

White Oak bark
Herb with astringent and antiseptic properties.

White Willow
Reliever of pain, fever, and inflammation.

Wild Lettuce
Reported to have sedative and painkilling effects.

Wood Betony
Widely used in folk medicine for its astringent properties, and in
treating irritations of the throat, mouth, and gums.

Essential mineral required for many metabolic processes. Over 100
different enzymes require zinc. Roles include anti-oxidant effects,
enhancing of the immune system and aiding wound healing.


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