Safety Products

Safety Products

Laboratory safety equipment is vital to a fully functioning lab. Research has shown that there are more than 100,000 lab accidents annually. Two out of 100 lab workers are injured mostly because of lack of laboratory safety equipment. Laboratory safety equipment runs the gambit. Starting with personal protective equipment (PPE), going to safety glasses, goggles, face shields, disposable gloves, reusable gloves, heat-resistant gloves, cryogenic gloves, earplugs, earmuffs, respirators, gas detectors, and ending with that staple of laboratory safety gear, the lab coat. Laboratory safety equipment apparel includes coveralls, aprons, footwear, head and face covers, and sleeves. Arc flash products, including rubber insulating gloves, coveralls, flash suits, and helmets with face shields, increase your safety from electrical hazards. 
Other safety supplies available from @esgdm include safety signs, labels, flammable storage cabinets, safety cans, eyewashes, lockout/tagout, matting, spill control, waste disposal, sound meters and, radiation detectors. If you have a question about laboratory safety equipment, a @esgdm Technical Expert can definitely help.


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