
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2018

Doctor, no se espante al abrir esta oferta!

-- בס"ד Libre de virus. www.avg.com

Cirugía de Luxofractura de tobillo suprasindesmal con compromiso de sindesmosis con FLOOP.


material médico by @esgdm

ACADÉMICO Modelos anatómicos Disección Maletines Diagnóstico Libros LABORATORIO Centrífugas e incubadoras Cristalería Microscopios Plásticos Silla toma de muestra Cronómetros y termómetros Otros Autoclaves QUIRÚRGICO Sondas Traqueotomía Aspiradores y cánulas Campos, compresas y equipos Catéteres Drenajes Electrobisturí Equipos de venoclisis y PVC Monitores y desfibriladores Suturas y mallas Desechos biológicos Equipos y pijamas Otros Medias antiembólicas Cepillos Quirúrgicos Protectores Faciales RESCATE Y PRIMEROS AUXILIOS Camillas Chalecos y botiquines Desfibriladores Inmovilizadores Accesorios Cajas de pesca Reanimación Bolsas para Cadaver ACERO INOXIDABLE Algodoneros y torunderos Charolas, vasos y tazones Cómodos Cubetas Orinales Portatermómetros y abatelenguas Riñones ROPA Batas y sacos Filipinas Pantalones Equipos y pijamas quirúrgicas Zapatos ROPA DESECHABLE Batas Campos Cubrebocas Cubrebotas Gorros Sában...

GO2SLEEP: AI-Powered Device for Restful Sleep


NovioSense Announces Positive Clinical Trial Results of Tear Glucose Measurement Technology

NovioSense has demonstrated the measurement of tear glucose in diabetic patients and a close correlation to blood glucose with clinically relevant accuracy. A second, 24-patient study, to validate the use of the new glucose sensor in type 1 diabetic patients is already commencing. NovioSense BV, a company based in The Netherlands, announced positive data from its Phase 2 tear glucose sensor study. The NovioSense Glucose Sensor is a device that, when placed in the lower eyelid, continuously measures glucose levels in the tear fluid of diabetic patients and is able to send readings to a paired smartphone. The results of the six-patient clinical trial are presented in the latest issue of the American Chemical Society’s journal Biomacromolecules. The NovioSense device is the first of its kind eye-wearable that is wireless, battery free, and non-invasive. It uses NFC (near-field communication) technology to transfer its readings to a smartphone or another device that can display the ...

The Answer Inside Us: Parkinson’s Genetics


Preocupa a vecinos lo que pasará con multifamiliares, escuelas y hospitales en Santa Lucía


El futuro de la radiología también sale de Israel. Ciencia ficción basada en inteligencia artificial hoy.


Consejos para el cepillado de dientes correcto

Los hábitos de higiene dental y los alimentos que consumimos son elementos clave para prevenir enfermedades bucales o, por el contrario, contribuir a su desarrollo. Por ejemplo, el consumo de refrescos y bebidas azucaradas incrementan el riesgo de padecer caries, por lo que es recomendable la ingesta de frutas y verduras, así como beber abundante agua, será positivo para la salud bucodental. Otro de los aspectos que depende directamente de nosotros y que interviene en la salud de la boca es el cepillado de dientes. Según cómo se haga estaremos ayudando a minimizar algunas enfermedades bucodentales. El cepillado de dientes correcto debe tener una duración de dos minutos, sin embargo, la mayoría de personas no emplea tanto tiempo, algo que podríamos comprobar con un cronómetro para darnos cuenta. El correcto cepillado de diente se debe realizar con movimientos cortos y suaves, con ángulos de 45º por los bordes de las encías hacia adelante y hacia atrás, por las aristas de los die...

Virginia Tech’s Medical School Uses Ultrasound to Learn Anatomy, Pathology


departamentos en Condesa

Aproveche y estrene departamentos en renta en la Condesa. Ver versión Online | Enviar a un amigo Confort Villahermosa 5 ...

Estación de diagnóstico oftalmoscopio / otoscopio

AUG wall mounted diagnostic set has been designed to offer the clinician a perfect diagnostic tool for ophthalmology and aural examination with the convenience of always being ready for use. The units are supplied complete ready to use from the box, simply connect to the wall / rail, plug in and use. AUG wall mounted sets are supplied with 3 each handles coupled with NANOSKOP Ophthalmoscope, Otoscope & Tongue Depressor instruments heads, the base unit is connected to 3m coiled cables and is supplied with relevant adapters for the mains. Illumination is provided with Xenon 3.5v high light intensity bulbs which are surge protected to allow extended bulb life. Rotating rheostats on the handles allow the variation of the intensity of the light. The AUG Ophthalmoscopes, Otoscopes and Tongue Depressor are manufactured from durable impact resistant materials with powerful Xenon illumination, fiber optics and superb lenses which provide the practitioner an unrivalled diagnostic...

Hands Only CPR - Check, Call, Compress


GE Healthcare Unveils New Automated Breast Ultrasound for Dense Breasts

GE Healthcare is unveiling its brand new Invenia Automated Breast Ultrasound (ABUS) 2.0 in the U.S. It is the only FDA approved “ultrasound supplemental breast screening technology,” which allows for spotting of cancerous lesions within dense breast tissue, according to GE. Since dense breast tissue is similar in density to tumors, the two can be hard to differentiate using a mammogram. At the same time, dense breast tissue is a risk factor for the development of breast cancer, so the two facts together compound the problem for about 40% of women with dense breasts. According to GE, its ABUS technology, when used along with mammography “can improve breast cancer detection by 55 percent over mammography alone.” The new device automates a lot of what was previously a manual process, such as setting focal zones and gain. There’s no image modification required at all from the operator, so regardless of who is using the machine the results stay consistent. The system still del...

Super Sexy CPR


UCLA Trials Ambulance Equipped with CT Scanner for Rapid Stroke Treatment

According to the AHA (American Heart Association), when it comes to stroke, it’s all about acting FAST (face, arms, speech, time). And while comprehensive stroke centers have gotten pretty good at triaging and imaging and treating patients, the time it takes for the ambulance to transport the patient to the hospital eats up precious minutes. The University of California, Los Angeles will now be trialing an ambulance equipped with everything a typical ambulance has, but also a CT scanner and CT tech to operate it, a blood lab, a neurologist, critical care nurse, and a paramedic. The technology is not exactly new, and CT equipped ambulances have already been tried in other places. The goal here is to see if stroke patients have better outcomes when served via the new Mobile Stroke Unit compared to traditional ambulance, and whether there may be a cost savings to society by avoiding costly post-stroke therapy and rehab in these patients. Answers to these questions will help determine ...

Super Sexy Abdominal Thrust


descargue ya el nuevo #catalogomedico que tiene #todoparasuhospital #medico #dental #veterinario #tattoo #piercing #spa

-- בס"ד -- בס"ד

University of Michigan’s Hybrid OR: High Tech Surgical Gadgetry Inside One Room

The University of Michigan in Ann Arbor sports one of the finest medical centers in America. We won’t even mention the football team. One of the reasons U of M’s clinics are at the forefront of what they do is because the university gives physicians the freedom to seek new ways of doing things. This includes building new facilities designed to handle the kind of medical practices that are expected to take place in the near future. One such facility is the recently built hybrid operating room at the Frankel Cardiovascular Center, a room which combines a high-end cath lab with a traditional open-chest surgical environment. The first case in the new OR was performed in July of this year. Its genesis was the culmination of efforts led by Dr. Stanley Joseph Chetcuti, an interventional cardiologist who also sees himself as a technology fanatic lucky enough to combine his passion and profession. We were fortunate to receive a tour from Dr. Chetcuti of his hybrid OR, for which he displays ...

FDA Clears First App-Only Product for Detecting Atrial Fibrillation


Smartphone Using Its Camera Can Assess Heart Health

A group of researchers in California has developed a smartphone app that can be used to evaluate some aspects of heart health, potentially replacing in some cases more complicated procedures like ultrasound or MRI. A group of researchers in California has developed a smartphone app that can be used to evaluate some aspects of heart health, potentially replacing in some cases more complicated procedures like ultrasound or MRI. In patients with heart failure it is important for doctors to assess how effective the heart is at pumping blood around the body. At the moment, doctors use techniques like MRI or ultrasound to examine the cardiac output and other measures of heart’s efficiency. In the case of ultrasound, the most commonly used technique, the in-clinic procedure can take up to 45 minutes amd requires a specialized technician to operate the machinery. However, a new technology could make these measurements much simpler, and even allow patients to assess their own heart health...

Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario and Macadamian Partner to Develop Voice-Enabled Solution for Pediatric Patients with Type 2 Diabetes


Tablet PC médica ARM Cortex A8 / Intel® Core i5 / con lector de códigos de barras / para vehículo de emergencia

Winmate Equips Hospital with Advanced Mobile Tablet PC System Winmate’s Medical Tablet PCs give health care professionals peace of when it comes to monitoring medical records and data, allowing them to focus interacting with their patients more. The mobile tablet provides nurses a solution for monitoring multiple patients at once, while collecting data and transferring it to a central data center. This ensures medical records are up-to-date and accessible from any location. Winmate’s Tablets provide multiple medical solutions, reducing paperwork errors with electronic medical records, real-time diagnostic data management in surgery, and patient identification. Doctors also utilize the unit to quickly access patient records on the go, eliminating the need to track down paper records. Built to withstand dust, liquid, and drops, the rugged tablet is ready to go to work in the demanding medical field. With optional hot swappable batteries, medical professionals are ensured conti...