
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2009

available... new unit - Siemens X150 (MFG: 2009) NEW

available... new unit - Siemens X150 (MFG: 2009) NEW Siemens X150 (MFG: 2009) NEW 15" Flat Panel Display OB/GYN/Vascular Pkg. Color Doppler PW Doppler, M-Mode, Power Doppler, THI, DIMAQ, Image Data Management Dicom Print and Store and work list, CD-Writer, B/W printer CH5-2 (5-2MHz) Convex, VF10-5 (10-5MHz) Linear Siemens X150 (MFG: 2009) NEW 15" Flat Panel Display OB/GYN/Vascular Pkg. Color Doppler PW Doppler, M-Mode, Power Doppler, THI, DIMAQ, Image Data Management Dicom Print and Store and work list, CD-Writer, B/W printer CH5-2 (5-2MHz) Convex, VF10-5 (10-5MHz) Linear, EV9-4 (9-4MHz) Endovaginal

FDA Approves Sculptra Aesthetic, a Facial Injectable for Correction of Nasolabial Folds and Other Facial Wrinkles

July 29, 2009 BRIDGEWATER, N.J., July 29 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Sanofi-aventis U.S. announced today that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Sculptra Aesthetic (injectable poly-L-lactic acid) for the correction of shallow to deep nasolabial fold (smile lines) contour deficiencies and other facial wrinkles which are treated with the appropriate injection technique in healthy patients.

ESG alert

julio 31, 2009. México City. ESGdm informa que el "enjuague bucal" está contaminado sin prejuicios para la salud, tiene apariencia nubosa y con residuos. Se recomienda desecharlo.

Beneficios de la consuelda

Salud Alternativa Beneficios de la consuelda La consuelda es originaria de Europa y Asia occidental, se utiliza como remedio natural para la cicatrización de heridas, la conjuntivitis, las contusiones, esguinces fracturas y ulceras crónicas a la piel, también para la tos y la úlcera péptica. La consuelda nutre la glándula pituitaria (la glandula maestra del cuerpo) así como los huesos y la piel. También fortalece al sistema respiratorio y es considerada una planta sanadora muy importante. Esta planta contiene mucílago y alantoína lo que ayuda a la cicatrización, además estimula la producción de sustancias protectoras para el estómago en animales por lo que se ha usado frecuentemente para ayudar a la cicatrización a las úlceras pépticas. Se puede usar su raíz para uso tópico, se hierve la raíz en ½ litro de agua de 10-15 minutos y luego se moja un paño con el líquido y se po...

FDA Advises Against Using Body Building Products Containing Steroids or Steroid-like Substances

FDA Advises Against Using Body Building Products Containing Steroids or Steroid-like Substances July 28, 2009 Audience: Consumers and all healthcare professionals. FDA notified both healthcare professionals and their patients about new safety information concerning products marketed for body building and increasing muscle mass, frequently marketed as alternatives to anabolic steroids for increasing muscle mass and strength and sold both online and in retail stores. These products are promoted to athletes to improve sports performance and to aid in recovery from training and sporting events.

Mesas para Masaje

Mesas para Masaje Mesa profesional portatil con funda $3,750.00 Mesa económica sin careta, sin funda $2,500.00 Mesa Profesional reclinable (faciales) con funda $4,000.00 Mesa Profesional Embarazada con funda $4,000.00 Mesa Profesional Fija $4,125.00 Silla Shiatsu con funda $3,125.00 Careta para mesa de masaje $375.00 Funda para mesa profesional $312.00 Patineta para rodar la mesade masaje $312,500 Banco ergonómico 3 posiciones $1,000.00 Safu para meditación $187,50 -- ofertas, promociones y noticias de medicamentos, materiales & equipos médicos: esg-medicalsupplies.blogspot.com Padece artritis? dolor, fatiga, rigidez, deformación, osteoporosis, obesidad: artritistratamientoefectivo.4t.com Tenemos espacios disponibles para su publicidad: esgdivisionmedica.4t.com/favorite_links.html

jabonera automática

Modelo WSD401 Jaboneras Jabonera para suministro automático de jabón. Se activa por medio de sensor. Máxima higiene al no tocar nada. Nivel de liquido visual. Acepta gran variedad de viscosidades de jabones y otras soluciones quirurgicas. Mejora la apariencia y da un valor agregado a sus sanitarios. Ideal para uso hospitalario y personas con discapacidad. El contenedor de jabón cuenta con llave de seguridad. Opera con 6 baterias AA ( no incluidas) con promedio de vida de 2 años. Resistente a la corrosión Rango del sensor 5,07 cm a 10,15 cm Especificaciones técnicas Dimensiones 14,73 X 13,96 X 19,81 Peso sin baterias 816 gr Capacidad 1,360 lt

lista de productos, julio 2009

- Acido lactobionico - Aerogeneradores - Afiladora - Alimentos balanceados para aves y ganado - Almidones especiales para lodos de perforación - Bentonita - Cajas de carton corrugado - Capsulas vacias de gelatina - Cinta transparente filamentada - Coco deshidratado - Contenedores para desperdicios industriales - Cortador de pastillas con pastillero - Desincrustrantes - Empacadoras de vacio - Esquineros - Galletas - Gel óptico - Geomembrana - Grafitor - Guantes (exploración, cirujano, limpieza) - Insumos para panificacion - Lámparas de luz ultravioleta - Limpiador de muebles - Limpieza de pisos - Macetas de plástico - Maltitol - Pararrayos - Placas de unicel - Sal gema - Sobres de azucar - Solventes industriales - Spray antiacaros - Suero de queso en polvo - Tornos paralelos - Tubos de polietileno para redes de gas - Turbidimetro - Tyvek - Válvulas solenoide - Vasos desechables de color

Equipment, Auction & Parts Alerts (prices only for suscribers)

1. For Sale TOSHIBA Just Vision 400 Vet. Ultrasound AUCTION You are bidding on a Toshiba Just Vision 400 Small Animal Reconditioned ... 2. For Sale TOSHIBA Just Vision 200 Vet. Ultrasound AUCTION You are bidding on a Toshiba Just Vision 200 Small Animal Ultrasound B/... 3. For Sale TOSHIBA Nemio 10 Vet. Ultrasound AUCTION You are bidding on a Toshiba Nemio 10 Small Animal Refurbished Ultrasoun... 4. For Sale BIOSOUND Caris Vet. Ultrasound AUCTION You are bidding on a Biosound Caris Small Animal Refurbished Ultrasound .. 5. For Sale SONOSITE Titan Vet. Ultrasound AUCTION You are bidding on a Sonosite Titan Large Animal Ultrasound Version/21.... 6. For Sale GE Logiq E Vet. Ultrasound AUCTION You are bidding on a GE Logiq E Large Animal Ultrasound Basic,Dicom,Log... 7. For Sale SONOSITE 180 Plus Vet. Ultrasound AUCTION You are bidding on a Sonosite 180 Plus Large Animal Ultrasound Color Do... 8. For Sale PIE MEDICAL 100LC Vet. Ultrasound AUCTION You are bidding on a Pie Me...

Primera operación de cerebro sin abrir el cráneo

Clinica, Salud, Rehabilitación. Primera operación de cerebro sin abrir el cráneo Posted: 27 Jul 2009 02:39 PM PDT Fuente: salud al dia Neurocirujanos suizos lograron por primera vez en el mundo realizar intervenciones quirúrgicas del cerebro sin tener que abrir el cráneo gracias a la utilización de ultrasonidos, anunció la Universidad de Zurich. Daniel Jeanmonod y Ernst Martin aplicaron a la cirugía intracraneana la técnica de Ultrasonidos Focalizados de Alta Energía (UFHI), que ya es utilizada desde hace varios años en ginecología y para luchar contra el cáncer de próstata. Durante un estudio clínico iniciado en setiembre de 2008, diez adultos se sometieron a las intervenciones, que fueron todas exitosas y sin complicaciones. Las operaciones fueron realizadas sin narcosis en pacientes totalmente conscientes y de manera ambulatoria. Durante estas intervenciones, 1.024 emisores envían olas de ultrasonidos a...

Secondarily, we are moving some specially priced items

First off, I hope to see you at FIME in Miami, Florida – August 12-14 – Secondarily, we are moving some specially priced items · Aspen C/V/O Shared Service (Rev 4.0) KPI 26770 · MindRay DP-9900 PLUS (Stand-Alone) – Demo Unit – MFG: 2007 – New Condition · HDI-3500 OB/Vascular (MFG: 2000-2001) · LOGIQ S6 BTO6 CVO Shared Service (MFG: 2007) W/ 4D Imaging & Matrix Upgrade Aspen C/V/O Shared Service (Rev 4.0) KPI 26770 Cardiac/OB/Vascular Calc. Pkg, Color Doppler, CW/PW Doppler, M-Mode, Angio, ECG/AUX Aegis Dynamic, Auto Doppler, Dicom Print, Dicom Store, Stress Echo, Volume Flow, Delta, CDE Triplex, CEV, Cardio Transducer, Radio Transducer V4c Cardiac Sector, V4 Abdominal Sector, L7 Vascular Linear, C7 Convex These are a few special packages which are either recent arrivals or which are specially priced to move. · PHILIPS HD-11 (MFG: 2005) Shared Service · NEMIO 30 (SSA-550A-30) MFG: 2005-2006 Shared S...

gripe ah1n1




1 week only!


The Trouble with Triclosan

Who knew that washing your hands could harm your health and the environment? Thanks to the chemical industry, a hazardous antibacterial compound called triclosan is now an ingredient in many household and personal care products such as soaps, cleaners, cosmetics, clothing, and even children's toys. And while consumers might think triclosan can protect them from harmful bacteria, it turns out that the use of this dangerous chemical in household products is no more effective than soap and water; and may be doing more harm than good. Especially since Triclosan can create more potent strains of bacteria, increasing antibacterial and antibiotic resistance.

Two CPAP devices for EMS professionals: with and without ventilation

Two CPAP devices for EMS professionals: with and without ventilation The Airon pNeuton model S has CPAP with mechanical ventilation; the Airon MACS is a stand-alone mask CPAP system. Designed expressly for EMS, these CPAPs are rugged and economical. Using a demand flow system they deliver CPAP without wasting oxygen. A calibrated knob sets the CPAP level and a switch selects 65% or 100% oxygen. Both work with CO2 monitors and medication nebulizers.

FDA Warns Against Using Electronic Cigarettes

July 22, 2009 Audience: Pediatric healthcare professionals and consumers. FDA notified healthcare professionals and patients that a laboratory analysis of electronic cigarette samples has found that they contain carcinogens and toxic chemicals such as diethylene glycol, an ingredient used in antifreeze. Electronic cigarettes, also called "e-cigarettes," are battery-operated devices that generally contain cartridges filled with nicotine, flavor and other chemicals.

Allergan Receives FDA Approval for Acuvail Ophthalmic Solution for the Treatment of Pain and Inflammation Following Cataract Surgery

July 23, 2009 IRVINE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jul 23, 2009 - Allergan, Inc. today announced that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Acuvail (ketorolac tromethamine ophthalmic solution) 0.45%, an advanced, preservative-free formulation of ketorolac, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) indicated for the treatment of pain and inflammation following cataract surgery.

FDA Approves Expanded Use of Lilly's Forteo [teriparatide (rDNA origin) injection] to Treat Glucocorticoid-Induced Osteoporosis

July 23, 2009 First and only FDA-approved anabolic agent in the U.S. now indicated to treat the leading type of secondary osteoporosis INDIANAPOLIS, July 23 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Today, Eli Lilly and Company announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a new use for its osteoporosis drug Forteo [teriparatide (rDNA origin) injection] to treat osteoporosis associated with sustained, systemic glucocorticoid therapy in men and women at high risk of fracture.

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Put feline heartworm on the spot Announcing the SNAP® Feline Triple™ Test. Read more > New timesaving features for the Catalyst Dx™ Chemistry Analyzer Easier, faster UPC; automated dilutions; Lyte 4 Clips. Read more > Announcing IDEXX Cornerstone® 7.6 With Pet ID cards and integration with Intuit® QuickBooks®


Maquet/Siemens 9005141 Maintenance Kit: Only $176!

El lumbago

El lumbago es definido como un dolor de suave a severo o de incomodidad en el área de la parte de abajo de la espalda. El dolor puede ser agudo (repentino y severo) o crónico si ha durado más de 3 meses. El lumbago a menudo ocurre en personas más jóvenes cuyo trabajo involucra esfuerzo físico y es común en gente en edad de retirarse. En la mayoría de los casos es imposible determinar sus causas, pero hay un 25% de los casos en que si se puede. A menudo estos pacientes están sufriendo de condiciones como un disco deslizado, osteoporosis, la deformación natural de la curvatura de la espina y en casos más raros de daño esqueletal debido a tumores e infecciones. Síntomas Dolor a través de la parte baja de la espalda que algunas veces alcanza hasta el trasero, la parte de atrás del muslo o de la ingle. El dolor es normalmente peor con el movimiento. La limitación en el movimiento de la espina, especialmente al in...

special ultrasound auctions from ESGdm

Dear costumers, We are sending you the links to the following auctions because you have shown interest in these or similar items in the past. Below is a brief description of each item and a link to the auction page. Please feel free to reply to this email with any questions. Auction #8908: 2007 Sonosite Micromaxx 3.4.3 Ultrasound. This ultrasound is a high-resolution, all-digital, 8-pound ultrasound system with 10.4 Inch digital display. Auction #8786: 2007 GE Vivid I Cardiac Ultrasound. The Vivid I delivers the superb raw data image quality you require for cardiac and vascular scanning, allowing you to see the diagnostic information you need to effectively assess LV function and cardiac performance. Auction #8873: 2007 PHILIPS HDI 4000 3-D Ultrasound. This unit is used specifically for Abdominal / Heart/ OB / GYN / Prostate. Please contact us at +52-55-10548256 or simply reply to this email if you have any questions. If you do not see the equipment you are in need of, ask us about our...

Equipment, Auction & Parts Alerts (prices only for suscribers)

1. For Sale SCITON IPL,BBL,Profractiona Laser - Erbium AUCTION You are bidding on a Sciton All Profile Laser. This unit was purchased ... 2. MEDISON Vet. Ultrasound MICRO CONVEX Parts For Sale c4-9ed brand new probe for pedriatic and animal.leesmed 3. For Sale STORZ 202121 20 O/R Camera Karl Storz SL NTSC Camera Box, 202121 20 Karl Storz Telecam NTSC Camer... 4. For Sale ARAMIS 1.54 Erbium Laser - Erbium 2006 Aramis 1.54 NM Erbium Glass Laser System With Foot Switch & Handpie... 5. For Sale SURGICAL TABLES INC Steamline 2 C-Arm Table FEATURES • Diving board style for easy c-arm access • Large patient ... 6. For Sale OLYMPUS GIF-XQ240 Endoscope This Olympus GIF-XQ240 Video Gastroscope is in EXCELLENT condition and s... 7. For Sale PENLON Sigma Elite Sevoflurane Vaporizer Very clean, but not serviced. Six available. 8. For Sale AMSCO 3085 3085sp OB Table Brand New Amsco 3085sp tables are available now. Please contact us for d... 9. For Sale STRYKER 275-702 Quadracut ACL Art...

Telescopio insertado en un ojo para ayudar a personas con problemas de visión

Telescopio insertado en un ojo para ayudar a personas con problemas de visión Posted: 20 Jul 2009 11:02 AM PDT En algunos problemas físicos la tecnología puede ayudar bastante, pero hay cosas que por ahora no están tan desarrolladas como otras, como la tecnología asociada a problemas del corazón en relación al resto del cuerpo, que por ejemplo gente pueda lleva un desfibrilador acoplado al corazón me parece sacado del futuro. Siempre me pareció interesante la tecnología asociada a enfermedades o descapacidades, como la invidencia, ya hace años que se lleva desarrollando sistemas que intentan dar visión a personas que no pueden ver, pero hasta el momento poco se sabe de ningún avance que sea capaz de conectar una cámara al nervio óptico o al cerebro. Ahora se sabe que se ha logrado introducir un pequeñísimo telescopio (!!) en la retina de algunas personas con problemas de visión por la edad por tene...

Manejo de consumibles para cuartos limpios


ESG Announces New Cardiology & OB/GYN Monitors



GENERAL ELECTRIC (GE) 1 LOGIQBOOK – OB/Vascular/Small Parts – Rev. 2.03 (MFG: 2003) Color Doppler, PW Doppler, Angio, M-Mode, ATO, Tissue Harmonics 3C-RS (2-5MHz) Convex (110/220V – PAL/NTSC) – ZONE A --- SPECIAL 2 LOGIQBOOK – OB/Vascular/Small Parts – Rev. 2.03 (MFG: 2003) Color Doppler, PW Doppler, Angio, M-Mode, ATO, Tissue Harmonics 3C-RS (2-5MHz) Convex (110/220V – PAL/NTSC) – ZONE A 3 LOGIQBOOK XP VET – (MFG: 2007) Color Doppler, PW Doppler, Angio, M-Mode, ATO, Tissue Harmonics 8C-RS (4-10MHz) Linear, i739L (4-10MHz) Intraoperative Rectal Vet Linear (110/220V – PAL/NTSC) – ZONE A 4 LOGIQBOOK XP VET – (MFG: 2005) Color Doppler, PW Doppler, Angio, M-Mode, ATO, Tissue Harmonics 8C-RS (4-10MHz) Linear (110/220V – PAL/NTSC) – ZONE A 5 LOGIQBOOK XP – Cardiac/OB/Vascular/Small Parts – Rev. 2.1 (MFG: 2005/2006) Color D...

Formas para consumir el polen

Hay varias alternativas de para consumir el polen: Se puede masticar tranquilamente el polen hasta deshacerlo por completo en la boca, también se puede tragar con un sorbo de agua, para tomarse una cucharada de polen, se puede disolver en jugo de naranja o en leche y añadirle un poco de miel y quien prefiera masticarlo puede hacerlo mezclando el polen con yogur, miel o mermelada. Por último, están los productos ya preparados a base de polen, otra forma cómoda y efectiva de tomar polen con frecuencia.

fish care essential sale


fish care essential sale

Equipment, Auction & Parts Alerts (prices only for suscribers)

1. For Sale DYONICS LOT of 17: ED-3, 32 Endoscope AUCTION You are bidding on a LOT of Dyonics, Linvatec and Sony endoscopy equipme... 2. For Sale VALLEY LAB Force 1C Electrosurgical Unit AUCTION You are bidding on a Valley Labs Force 1C ESU. This unit is being sold ... 3. For Sale LUMENIS Lumenis One Laser - Diode AUCTION ID# 729 Lumenis LumeOne Mfg. 9/2006 Includes: IPL module, Nd:YAG module... 4. For Sale STRYKER 1550 Stretcher 4 ea STRYKER 1550 ELECTRIC/ HYDROLIC STRETCHERS, 2006 MANUFACTURE DATE 5. For Sale SYNERON Polaris Laser - Diode 2004 Syneron Polaris Diode Laser Includes: 1- LV Handpiece with 34000 Sh... 6. SIEMENS Other CPI PC BOARD Asm Kit Parts For Sale 7. SIEMENS Other Master Rotating D501 Cpl. Parts For Sale 8. For Sale CODMAN 83-1340 O/R Instruments > Other Codman 83-1340 Steerable Neuroendoscope. MAKE OFFER. Huge s... 9. For Sale LINVATEC 7404 Arthroscope Linvatec Arthroscope 70 degrees, 4 mm, 17.5 cm working length ... 10. For Sale STRYKER 240-10-194 ...

Voluntary Recall of Concentrated Acetaminophen Drops

July 15, 2009 Audience: Pharmacists. Brookstone Pharmaceuticals and FDA notified healthcare professionals and consumers of a nationwide voluntary recall of all lots of Concentrated Acetaminophen Drops (NDC#42192-504-16) in 16 ounce (473 ml) bulk containers. The recalled drops were manufactured by Pharmaceutical Associates, Inc. This 16oz container is comparable to the size generally used to package regular strength acetaminophen liquid preparations.

Voluntary Recall of Nature & Health Co. supplement products: LibieXtreme, Y-4ever, Libimax X Liquid, Powermania Liquid and Capsule, Herbal Disiac

July 16, 2009 Audience: Consumers, pharmacists. Nature & Health Co., announced a voluntary nationwide recall of the company's supplement products sold under the following names: LibieXtreme, Y-4ever, Libimax X Liquid, Powermania Liquid and Capsule, Herbal Disiac. Lab analysis by FDA of these products found they contain either tadalafil, an active ingredient of an FDA-approved drug for erectile dysfunction (ED), its analog aminotadalafil, or the analog of sildenafil, an active ingredient of another FDA-approved

Sol y embarazo

Sol y embarazo Hay días en que el calor es simplemente insoportable. Lo peor es que junto con el aparece el cansancio, el mal humor, el desgano y el agobio. Y si a esto se le suma el embarazo, el panorama puede ser aún más sofocante. Pero para sobrellevar las altas temperaturas sigue estos trucos para escapar del sol: Trate de usar ropas que estén confeccionadas con fibras naturales (algodón, lino, hilo) que permitan mejorar la ventilación. Así se sentirá más cómoda. Opte además por la ropa holgada. Para aliviar en la medida de lo posible, la inflamación de las extremidades inferiores, nada mejor que el movimiento. Si trabaja aproveche unos minutos de descanso para subir y bajar los pies, sentada en una silla o en un banco del parque. Recuerde que durante el embarazo la piel es más propensa a las quemaduras y manchas que provoca el sol. Siempre que salga a la calle, aplíquese protector solar de factor alto. La ingesti...

BioDelivery Sciences and Meda Announce FDA Approval of Onsolis

July 16, 2009 RALEIGH, N.C.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jul 16, 2009 - BioDelivery Sciences International, Inc. and Meda AB today announced approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to market Onsolis (fentanyl buccal soluble film), formerly referred to as BEMA Fentanyl, for the management of breakthrough pain (BTP) in patients with cancer, eighteen years of age and older, who are already receiving and who are tolerant to opioid therapy for their underlying persistent cancer pain.

FDA Approves Plan B One-Step, a New One-Pill Emergency Contraceptive

July 16, 2009 NORTH WALES, Pa., Jul 13, 2009 - Teva Pharmaceuticals, Inc. announced today that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved its New Drug Application (NDA) for Plan B One-Step emergency contraception (levonorgestrel tablet, 1.5 mg). Now, with new Plan B One-Step, women can help prevent an unintended pregnancy after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure with just one pill in one dose.

New Stuff This Week

Borneo Joe's Flaming Bones We have two new products from Borneo Joe this week. The first is the Water Buffalo Horn and Sterling Silver Hooks which come with their own display stand. The second is the Black Dogwood Hanoman Plugs which are available for pre-order in gauges from 4g through 1". Metal Mafia Eyebrow Barbells The two new eyebrow barbells come in a couple of variations. The Moon Barbell is available in either high polish or light blue and the Gemmed Star Barbell is available with either aqua, clear, or pink gems.

Voluntary Recall of Weight Loss Products by Young You Corporation

Voluntary Recall of Weight Loss Products by Young You Corporation July 17, 2009 Audience: Consumers, cardiology healthcare professionals. Slimbionic, One Weight Loss Pill, SlimDemand Capsules, Botanical Weight Loss Young You Corporation and FDA notified healthcare professionals and consumers that four weight loss dietary supplements sold and marketed by the firm (Slimbionic, One Weight Loss Pill, SlimDemand Capsules, Botanical Weight Loss) contain an undeclared drug ingredient, sibutramine, an FDA-approved drug used as an appetite suppressant for weight loss.

Recall of Teva's Propofol Injectable Emulsion, 10 mg/mL 100 mL vials

Recall of Teva's Propofol Injectable Emulsion, 10 mg/mL 100 mL vials July 17, 2009 Audience: Anesthesia healthcare professionals, hospital risk managers. Teva Pharmaceuticals and FDA notified healthcare professionals of a recall of Propofol Injectable Emulsion 10 mg/mL 100 mL vials, lot numbers 31305429B and 31305430B. The product lots identified are being recalled due to the presence of elevated endotoxin levels in some vials within these lot numbers. Teva has been notified of 41 propofol-treated patients who experienced post-operative fever, chills and other flu-like symptoms.

Sumavel DosePro (sumatriptan injection) Approved by FDA for Acute Migraine and Cluster Headache: First Product Featuring Novel DosePro Needle-Free Delivery System

Sumavel DosePro (sumatriptan injection) Approved by FDA for Acute Migraine and Cluster Headache: First Product Featuring Novel DosePro Needle-Free Delivery System July 16, 2009 SAN DIEGO, July 16 /PRNewswire/ -- Zogenix, Inc., a privately held pharmaceutical company, today announced that it has received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its New Drug Application (NDA) for Sumavel DosePro (sumatriptan injection) needle-free delivery system to treat acute migraine, with or without aura, and cluster headache. Sumavel DosePro is a first-of-its-kind needle-free delivery system for subcutaneous sumatriptan, a treatment that provides migraine relief within 10 minutes for some patients.

elabware july 2009

Analytical Stuart SMP40 melting point apparatus Utilising the latest digital imaging technology and innovative design the new SMP40 automatic melting point apparatus gives accuracy and unrivalled flexibility at a very affordable price. More information... Chemistry Superior Quality Model Set for Organic Chemistry For building building both open style and space-filling models. The Prentice Hall 2/E set may be upgraded or customized with additional "in stock" Molymod model parts. More information... Life Science Nunc Lab-Tek Chamber slides and coverslips, the perfect solution for immunocytology, TOX studies, fluorescent microscopy, in-situ cell studies, and much more. Nunc Lab-Tek Chamber slides feature chemically modified growth surfaces that mimic polylysine, are stable without refrigeration and provide optimal binding sites for fastidious cells such as neurons. More information... Sample Preparation High accuracy picoliter dispensing KDS have developed a new Pico syringe ...

Featured CT Related Auctions on sale now

Dear costumer, We would like to direct your attention to a number of CT Scanner and CT related Auctions currently running on esgdivisionmedica.4t.com . CT Scanner Auctions: Auction #6273: MARCONI Philips MX 8000 Quad w/ 40,000 Slices CT Scanner. Starting Bid is $25,000 Auction #6275: PICKER PQ 6000 w/ 6,000 Slices on Tube CT Scanner. Starting Bid is $10,000 Auction #6274: SHIMADZU SCT 6800TXL CT Scanner. Starting Bid is $10,000 Auction #6198: PICKER PQ 5000 CT Scanner. Starting Bid is $5,000 Auction #5805: SIEMENS Somatom Plus 4 Only 35,000 Slices on Tube CT Scanner. Starting Bid is $10,000 CT Scanner Parts & X-Ray Tube Auctions: Auction #6032: TOSHIBA CXB-750D Aquilion 16 or 64 X-Ray Tube. Starting Bid is $99,999 Auction #6271: SIEMENS Dura 502 mc X-Ray Tube. Starting Bid is $15,000 Auction #5849: GE Hi Speed Lot of 2 CT Scanner Parts Units. Starting Bid is $4,000 Auction #5848: GE Various Wires for CT Scanners. Starting Bid is $500 Auction #5917: GE Various GE CT Scanner Parts. S...


NEW ADDITIONS LOGIQ P5 (MFG: 12/2006) - 15" TFT LCD Monitor with Premium Pkg. - Spatial Compounding and Speckle Reduction Color Doppler, PW Doppler, M-Mode, Angio, ATO, Logiq View DICOM, CrossBeam, SRI (Speckle Reduction Imaging), Easy 3D Virtual Convex, THI, CD Writer, OB/Vasc/Card Calc. 3.5C (2-5MHz) Convex, E8C (4-10MHz) Endo-cavity VOLUSON 730 Expert BT08 (MFG: 2007) KPI 25272 Color Doppler, PW Doppler, M-Mode, Angio, ATO- Auto Tissue, Tissue Harmonics, DVD Writer Real-time 4D, Volume 3D, Surface 3D, DICOM, SonoView II, (CRI Crossbeam) SRI II (Speckle Reduction), TUI (Tomographic Ultrasound Imaging) – Multi-Slice B-Flow, STIC RAB4-8L (4-8Mhz) 4D Convex, RIC5-9H (5-9Mhz) 4D Vaginal, 4C-A (2-5Mhz) Convex ZONE A (NEW PROBES) (NEW PROBES) LOGIQ 7 Expert BT07 Shared Service Color Doppler, CW/ PW Doppler, Power Doppler, M-Mode, THI, ATO, Virtual Convex DICOM, CrossBeam (CRI), B-Flow, MOD, ECG/AUX, CD Writer, Sony UPD-895MD B/W Printer M3S (1.5-3.6MHz) Active Matrix Cardiac...
BIENVENIDOS! Este espacio está creado para que uds. nuestros clientes, socios & amigos de esg división médic@, puedan expresar sus comentarios, experiencias, solicitudes y todo lo que uds. deseen con el fin de mejorar, desarrollar e implementar nuevos productos, servicios y tendencias en el ramo médico, dental y veterinario. Esperamos su importante participación. Buena suerte!