Featured CT Related Auctions on sale now

Dear costumer,

We would like to direct your attention to a number of CT Scanner and
CT related Auctions currently running on esgdivisionmedica.4t.com.

CT Scanner Auctions:
Auction #6273: MARCONI Philips MX 8000 Quad w/ 40,000 Slices CT Scanner.
Starting Bid is $25,000

Auction #6275: PICKER PQ 6000 w/ 6,000 Slices on Tube CT Scanner.
Starting Bid is $10,000

Auction #6274: SHIMADZU SCT 6800TXL CT Scanner.
Starting Bid is $10,000

Auction #6198: PICKER PQ 5000 CT Scanner.
Starting Bid is $5,000

Auction #5805: SIEMENS Somatom Plus 4 Only 35,000 Slices on Tube CT Scanner.
Starting Bid is $10,000

CT Scanner Parts & X-Ray Tube Auctions:
Auction #6032: TOSHIBA CXB-750D Aquilion 16 or 64 X-Ray Tube.
Starting Bid is $99,999

Auction #6271: SIEMENS Dura 502 mc X-Ray Tube.
Starting Bid is $15,000

Auction #5849: GE Hi Speed Lot of 2 CT Scanner Parts Units.
Starting Bid is $4,000

Auction #5848: GE Various Wires for CT Scanners.
Starting Bid is $500

Auction #5917: GE Various GE CT Scanner Parts.
Starting Bid is $5,000

Please contact us at 52 55 10548256 or simply reply to this email if
you have any questions. If you do not see the equipment you are in
need of, ask us about our RFP service!

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