GE Signa HDe 1.5T MRI in PDC BLDG 2008

PDC Modular Building, LCC Shortbore Magnet, Integrated HVAC, Sprinkled Fire System, Power Panels, A/C, and MR chiller heat exchangers, HDe Gradients 8907, HDe ScanTools, EPI, Smart Prep, Fast Gradient Echo, CINE, 2D Fat Sat FIESTA, 2D Merge, 3D Dual Echo, ClariView, Fast Spin Echo FLAIR, TOF - Time of Flight, Phase Contrast Vascular Imaging, DW EPI, FLAIR EPI, SPECIAL, Smart Prep, SSFSE, Modality Worklist, E3D TOF, FSE_XL, Blood Sup, Fast CINE, IDrive Pro, IDrive, SmartPrep 2000, Performance Procedure Step, IDrive Pro Plus, Interactive Vascular Imaging, T2 Breath Hold, SSFSE MRCP, T1 Beathhold, Flouro Triggered MRA, MRCP3, PSIR, Fiesta 2D, Fiesta 3D, Fiesta C, Asset, Asset Plus, Propellar DWI, Propeller T2, 3DFRSE, Functools2, Voxtool, Tricks, IVI, Clariview, LAVA Coils: 8 channel NVA Medrad, 8 channel CTL, 8 channel body array, 8 channel knee, Quad extremity, 3 channel shoulder, Dual TMJ package with adaptor






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