Masterflex Tubing: Get a Sample to Make the Right Choice

Masterflex® tubing, used in Masterflex pumps, is manufactured for use in demanding peristaltic pump applications. With 22 different tubing formulations, choosing the right one for your pump and your application is essential. Masterflex tubing is formulated and validated to comply with regulatory standards and classifications including USP, EP, EU Food, FDA, NSF, and 3A.MasterflexTubing

When Choosing Tubing, Consider:

Chemical compatibility: Check our comprehensive chemical compatibility reference tools to assess compatibility

Flow rate: Tubing size directly affects flow rate

Fluid temperature: Check each formulation for staring guidelines and then test based on your specific application

Fluid viscosity, presence of solids, back pressure, or suction lift: High-performance tubing is best for each of these three conditions

Tubing life: Refer to tubing material graphs. Generally, NORPRENE® and PHARMED® tubing offer the best tubing life in applications. High performance precision tubing enhances tubing life 20 to 30% over precision tubing; peroxide-cured silicone tubing provides up to 40% more tubing life.

To get samples of 19 types of Masterflex tubing, as well as a tubing size guide and more, request our Free Masterflex® Tubing Sample/Test Kit.

How to Test Your Tubing

It is a good idea to test your tubing. Here’s how:

1)    Weigh and measure the length and diameter of a tubing sample

2)    Using a closed vessel, immerse the sample in fluid for at least 48 hours

3)    Reweigh, remeasure, and examine the sample for swelling, brittleness, or other signs of deterioration

4)    Test tubing in pump under actual temperature, vacuum, and pressure, or other operating conditions before continuous use


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