How to Measure Color Quickly and Easily

PRWEB_CP_ColorComparators_99562_40New options in measuring color transmittance are now available with an extensive choice of standard color scales. Make fast comparisons between a sample and a range of standards with color comparators and meters.

Tintometer Comparator 2000 Systems are durable, portable, and economical. Simply place sample in vial and compare transmittance to glass color standards. A battery-operated illuminator adds flexibility for laboratory, plant, or field color grading. With a two-section field of view, the sample transmittance is directly compared with individual colored glass standards on a test disk.

TintometerShort-Pathlength Color Meters and Long-Pathlength Color Meters are spectrophotometric meters that provide accurate, reliable color data from optically clear samples. The meter automatically measures color transmittance and displays results directly in industry color scales, CIE values, and as spectral data. The short-pathlength meters work well with slightly colored solutions, such as wastewater, syrups, honey, dark oils, and beers while the long-pathlength meters are ideal for very pale solutions such as drinking water, edible oils, fats, and chemicals.

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