Calcium supplements

• Calcium supplements are coming under scrutiny due to concerns that
they might increase heart attacks. A new meta-analysis shows that
patients over 40 who take 500 mg/day or more of calcium have an
increased risk of heart attack. The theory is plausible. Too much
calcium might lead to vascular calcification and atherosclerosis. But
it is too soon to jump to any conclusions. The analysis only looked at
people taking calcium supplements alone. It doesn't address the role
of dietary calcium or taking vitamin D along with calcium. Continue to
advise people to use calcium supplements if needed, but not to exceed
recommended amounts. Advise patients to consider their TOTAL calcium
intake from supplements PLUS foods. Recommend aiming for calcium 1000
mg/day for adults under 50 and 1200 mg/day for adults over 50. Many
people get about half this amount in their diet. To figure out dietary
calcium intake, have people count 300 mg/day from NON-dairy foods plus
300 mg/cup of milk, fortified orange juice, etc. Also recommend
vitamin D 800-2000 IU/day for adults to maintain adequate levels and
help prevent fractures. Lean towards using vitamin D3
(cholecalciferol) because it's more active, but vitamin D2
(ergocalciferol) is also fine for increasing levels. Keep in mind, the
Institute of Medicine will come out with new calcium and vitamin D
recommendations this fall.

Now, in ESGdm you can find this an others medical suplements, please
call us for a recomendation:


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