Mammo Siemens Mammomat Nova 3000

Estos equipos de Mammografias, Mastografos (Mammography) estan en
promocion por tempo limitado por la cantidad que tenemos en bodega!

Tenemos 01 unidaede disponibles de imediato!!!

Lo ano de fabricacion de estos equipos son 2002.

Lo precio de cada unidad Mammomat 3000 Nova is:


Por favor deja me saber si lo interesa.

MAMMOMAT 3000 Nova - Technical Specifications

Opdose - Better imaging at a lower dose

Opdose¨ optimizes image quality, no matter how dense the breast is.
With the dual target X-ray tube, using Molybdenum and Tungsten* anode
materials, Opdose automatically selects the best combination of kV,
k-edge filter and anode material and adjusts the X-ray spectrum for
each individual breast.

Opdose works automatically allowing the operator to pay full attention
to the patient and her well being. The operator may however override
all pre-selected exposure factors when complete user control is
¥ Optimized X-ray spectrum for each patient
¥ Automatic selection of anode material, K-edge filter and kV
¥ Reduced dose
¥ Shorter exposure time
¥ Enhanced image quality

MAMMOMAT 3000 Nova - Clinical Application

"The MAMMOMAT Nova 3000 provides high image quality, superb
ease-of-use, and improved patient comfort. With other systems, it can
really be a struggle to position the patient. But with the MAMMOMAT
3000 Nova, I can hold the patient with one hand and run the system
with the other. The MAMMOMAT 3000 Nova is also the most comfortable
experience for our patients, even for MLO views. The Opcomp feature
and different sized paddles help to significantly improve patient
comfort and positioning Ð especially with elderly patients.
ItÕs simply the easiest analog mammography system that IÕve ever used.

One system for all applications

¥ Screening (prepared for mobile use in a trailer)
¥ Diagnostics
¥ Special views
¥ Magnification*
¥ Spot imaging
¥ Stereo biopsy (FNA/core/vacuum)*
¥ Needle localization
¥ Specimen radiography

High output tube
Our dedicated mammo X-ray tube with Molybdenum and Tungsten* anode and
flat emitter enables the best possible beam quality. Add to this a 65
cm SID and a Molybdenum (Molybdenum and Rhodium) tilted k-edge filter
and the result is uniform density. Short exposure time and high
contrast provide fine-detail, high resolution images.
Excellent Image Quality

¥ Dual-target X-ray tube and filters: Mo/Mo; Mo/Rh; W/Rh*
¥ Opdose¨ - auto-selection of best X-ray parameters at the lowest dose
¥ Linear grids 5:1
¥ Adapted to various film/screen combinations

MAMMOMAT 3000 Nova - Operational
Open design for superior accessibility

Excellent ergonomic conditions exist for both operator and patient,
even during biopsy procedures. The patient can be examined in
standing, sitting or recumbent position.

Generous gantry free-space

The 65-cm gantry opening (SID) allows easy patient positioning and
accommodates popular biopsy devices. For example, the
minimally-invasive vacuum-assisted Mammotome core biopsy system can be
mounted in the vertical position in the stereotactic device Ð in line
with the direction of compression for the shortest distance and
greatest accuracy in reaching the lesion.

Flexible configuration

The stand as well as the generator with the radiation protection
shield are stand-alone. To enable flexible applications, we offer the
generator console separately as a special accessory.

Object table

Easy to change with 'Pivoting Bucky' or by pulling it out of the base plate
¥ 18 x 24 cm (standard)
¥ 24 x 30 cm (optional)


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