What's a Fluid Bed Dryer?

If you've been using conventional drying technologies such as oven and vacuum drying, it may be time to try a fluid bed dryer. Why? You get much faster and more homogenous drying. In fact, drying times typically range from a few seconds to minutes. In less than 15 minutes, your sample should be completely dried.

Programmable Fluid Bed Dryer

Programmable Fluid Bed Dryer

Fluid bed dryers are also quicker and gentler than conventional drying cabinets. They work well when used for food products, polymers, soils, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, minerals, and waste materials.

With the appropriate settings, fluid bed dryers offer reproducible, uniform results. Dry those materials with moisture contents ranging from a low percent up to more than 80 percent.

How It Works

A fluid bed dryer works by forcing air through a bed of particles. This bed of particles becomes fluid-like, similar to a boiling liquid. The incoming air is heated and the flow rate managed for maximum contact of the sample with the moving air.

For a complete fluid bed drying system, you will need a fluid bed dryer, a sealed or non-sealed tub assembly, and filter top caps or filter bags.



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