Three Must-Haves for Biosafety Disposal

To maintain biosafety, it is critical that microorganisms, chemicals, and other compounds do not infect or contaminate labs and other environments. While the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)publishes guidelines for biosafety in microbiological and biomedical labs, as well as information on biosafety cabinets, some standard tools are easily available to enhance your biosafety program.

Bio-Bin Waste Disposal Container

Bio-Bin Waste Disposal Container

Disposal products for sharp instruments and hazardous waste disposal are a basic component of these programs. Tools available for your compliance needs include:

  • Glass disposal boxesare easy to assemble and are lined in durable polyethylene
  • Sharps collectors enable you to discard hazardous needles. Puncture-resistant collectors can be autoclaved or incinerated
  • Biohazard waste cans are crafted of heavy-duty polyethylene with a lid that can be opened by hand or with a foot pedal. Or, prevent staff or environmental exposure with a touch-free automatic waste can. The lid automatically opens when a hand or solid object is waved over it

New infectious agents continue to develop and vigilance in adhering to biosafety programs is more important than ever. As the CDC affirms, following proven techniques and using appropriate equipment will prevent the spread of biohazards to staff, workplaces, and beyond.


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