Fwd: available two 6xxxx serial number Seimens Sequoia. flat panel units..

Available two 6xxxx serial number Siemens Sequoia. flat panel units..

Will move fast.

Siemens Sequoia 512 Shared Service Revision 12.221 18" Flat Panel Display

ECG, AUX CW, Signature II option, CPS Cardiology, CPS General Imaging,
Cadence Trigger Burst

Calc Data to MO, Card Cadence II, Contrast Quant, Dicom Store and Print,

DTI (Doppler Tissue Imaging), Driving Experience 7 & 8, Dual Linear,
Extended Trigger

GI Auto Doppler, High Frame Rate DTI, High HR ECG, MIS/MLF, MWL, Native TEQ,

Vascular Calc, Vascular option, Cardiac Calc, OB Calc

Siemens Sequoia 512 Shared Service Revision 12.221 19"

Flat Panel Display w/ Articulating Arm

ECG, AUX CW, Signature II option, Calc Data to MO, Coronary Flow reserve,
Dicom Store, DTI (Doppler Tissue Imaging)

Driving Experience 7 & 8, Extended Trigger, Modality Worklist, Native TEQ,
Native Tissue Harmonics

Spectral TEQ, Tissue Equalization, Cardiac Calc, Vascular Calc, OB Calc

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Foro de la Vida Judía en el Mundo. El mejor medio, el mejor mercado,
los mejores resultados. Al menor precio posible:


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